A married couple may feel incomplete after years of marriage and desire to get children to complete their union. However, it can be stressful to discover that they cannot conceive because one or both parties have infertility issues. Infertility can be considered as the inability of a sexually active couple to reproduce in one year. It can affect both genders due to low sperm count caused by age, inflammation of the testicles, stress, obesity, and cystic fibrosis. In women, the problem can result from thyroid problems, poor egg quality, hormonal imbalance, and polycystic ovarian syndrome caused by infections, stress, eating disorders, obesity, age, and alcohol.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory suggests that infertility results from blockages in blood circulation flow and Qi energy. Blockage of free flow of energy causes heat syndrome, stagnancy syndrome, and deficiency syndrome. Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbs, and acupuncture can treat these three syndromes effectively. Therefore, if you are looking for a boost in fertility, consider acupuncture.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is an effective method for treating various conditions by triggering different parts of the skin with needles. It works by stimulating nerve-rich areas of the skin to influence organs, glands, tissues, and other body functions. One acupuncture needle can produce injury once inserted and cause little to no skin discomfort. It triggers the body by sending information to trigger a response. It helps relieve discomfort related to various diseases and conditions such as neck pain, lower back pain, menstrual cramps, dental pain, labor pain, and respiratory disorders. Acupuncture is not suited to pregnant patients and those with bleeding disorders.
Selecting an ideal practitioner will require you to research thoroughly by asking your friends, relatives, and colleagues. You can also read reviews by browsing on various websites for quality services. Ensure you check the practitioner`s credentials and training as proof for legitimacy. Once you identify a practitioner who suits you, consult with them on when to start your appointment.
The Procedure of Acupuncture Application
The application of acupuncture can take place in all parts of the body with no pain. Depending on the site planned, your practitioner can tell you whether there is a need for removing clothing. He can instruct you to lie on a padded table where needle insertion is at strategic skin areas. The thin needles can make you feel a mild aching when it reaches the correct depth. After this placement, your practitioner can apply electrical pulses or heat to the needles while twirling or gently moving them. The needle remains in place for 10 to 20 minutes while you are relaxing lying still. The removal of these needles causes no discomfort. After an acupuncture treatment, some patients feel energized while others feel relaxed. It takes a few weeks for the symptoms to start showing some improvement, and if it fails, it may not be suitable for you. Acupuncture is an ideal measure for controlling various painful conditions.
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