When it comes to addiction, a process addiction can be just as bad as an addiction to a substance and can be just as hard to get over with. There are many different process addictions which we see throughout society all over the world, and it is also vital to know that there is help available.
If you are worried about someone that you love and think that they may have a process addiction, they need to seek help straight away as these conditions can have dire consequences. Below are some of the dangers of process addictions that you need to look out for in the ones that you love.
The Emotional Consequences
The emotional effect on people that suffer from a process addiction, as well as the people around them, is a significant one. Just like with people who have a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol, the effects on them and the people around them can be devastating and can ruin more than one person’s life if not treated.
Many treatment centres all over Thailand can help with these types of addictions. You may wish to consider intervention and take the person you care about to a process addiction rehab in Phuket, or anywhere else in the country.
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The Psychological Consequences
Process addictions can also have a significant effect on the mental health of the people that are afflicted, as well as their loved ones. Sometimes someone who suffers a process addiction is fully aware that they are addicted, but do not have the mental health they require to seek help and address the problem head-on. They can often suffer from low self-esteem and have no feeling of self-worth, which leaves them feeling like there is no point trying as they are not worth the effort.
People who are in situations such as this must have not only the correct treatment to counter their addiction, but also a support network that can help them deal with their addiction. If they know that they have people behind them willing to support them through their worst times, it can sometimes push them over the edge to seek the help that they need and make a positive change to their lives.
The Need To Want To Change
Unfortunately, as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink, and this is an excellent analogy for people suffering from addiction, no matter what type. If they are not mentally strong enough to want to change themselves, then even interventions will most likely not succeed in the long run. They need to want to make a change in their lives to better themselves and battle their demons, and until they feel like this, there is not a lot that anyone can do for them. All you can do is support them, in any way that you can, and try to keep pressuring them to want to make the change.
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There will come a time when they are honest with themselves and want to change, and you need to be there, ready to support them and help direct them to receive the professional care that they need to get better.
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