Most people cannot imagine their day without coffee or at least they won’t say no if you invite them for a hot cup of joe. While many people see this as an indulgence, often even a harmful one, they could not be more wrong. Coffee is actually so much more than just the average person’s addiction.
Coffee has a long history stretching across continents and centuries, and true aficionados know all the nuances you can explore by experimenting and trying different brews. Nevertheless, everyone can benefit from a cup of coffee each morning in several ways. Here are a few that will make you want to go and make a fresh cup right away.
1. A Wake-Up Call
To put it simply, coffee wakes you up and keeps you alert when you really need it – which is, for most of us, admittedly, every morning. The caffeine in coffee is known to boost your energy levels temporarily, and this is exactly why many people can’t start their day without their morning cup. Don’t worry, once its effects are gone, you can just have another cup, since a healthy adult can safely drink 4 cups a day (400 mg of caffeine).
2. Routine Is Important
A large part of our lives is actually made up of routines and rituals. Every morning we wake up, we perform these little actions which are familiar to us and this keeps us “grounded”, making us feel like we are in control and helping us to keep going. A morning coffee ritual is no different and those who have introduced it to their schedule know that it makes getting out of bed easier when you know that a hot drink is waiting for you to make it in the kitchen.
3. All the Healthy Nutrients
Those saying that coffee is an unhealthy drink have probably never looked up what it actually contains. A cup of quality coffee will provide your body with plenty of antioxidants – in fact, coffee is a major source of antioxidants and for many people, even the most important one. Besides antioxidants, coffee also provides you with vitamins such as B2 and B5. If you enjoy your coffee as a flat white then you’ll also get some calcium from your drink as well.All these work together to protect you from different diseases that will be mentioned later on.
Also read – 10 Coffee Quotes I really Love
4. It’s Delicious and Easy to Make
In today’s world where we are under so much stress that it’s becoming a global health concern, the simple reason that coffee is delicious should be more than enough for you to drink a cup each morning. If you have a coffee machine at home, making your coffee will be a piece of cake and even if you struggle with machine issues at first, you can easily troubleshoot the problem. You can experiment with different flavors and methods and this new hobby will motivate you every morning. The way to make the freshest coffee possible is to grind your own beans every day.
5. Puts Your Brain in the Right Mindset
Most of us are not the sharpest when we wake up, especially if we’re not a morning person, but our jobs and obligations force us to act like one. Coffee can be of great help in these situations. As mentioned, coffee gives your brain that wakeup it needs, but besides that, it actually enhances some brain functions that are going to make your morning hours spent at work much more productive. Short-term memory, reaction time and problem-solving skills are all boosted by this beverage.
6. Protects You from Diseases
As mentioned, coffee provides you with healthy nutrients your body can only benefit from. But how? Well, for one, antioxidants help with inflammation and fight free radicals, both of which can lead to chronic diseases. By drinking coffee, you are also protecting yourself from potential cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s, as well as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even certain cancers. And the list does not stop there. Again, this alone should be reason enough to add a cup of coffee to your morning routine.
7. Coffee Is a Social Drink
There is one more aspect of coffee that makes it an important drink in society – its social aspect. Every day, millions of cups of coffee are consumed and much of this is done in the company of others. Coffee is a social lubricant, a means of connecting with others, which can also be a great start to your day. Whether it is by sitting down with your significant other for those 15 minutes before both of you go on your way or having your first cup with your coworkers as soon as you arrive at work, the culture centered on coffee helps strengthen bonds and gives us an excuse to relieve stress by talking. You will start your day in a much better mood this way!
Special note: Find the best coffee brewing ideas at Brewdog
The list of the reasons why it’s worth drinking your morning coffee every day goes on, but these seven reasons mentioned should be more than enough to convince you about the benefits of this peculiar beverage. So, start your mornings with a cup of joy and be energized, productive, healthy and ready to take on the day!
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