There are plenty of characteristics that are typically successful with the ladies, but one of the most common traits that many women claim to prefer is sense of humor. Women want a man who can make them laugh. But then, what is it exactly about being witty that generates an attraction for potential partners?
When you’re looking to meet women, whether it’s at a bar, a class, or even on the best interracial dating site, you want to make them immediately feel at ease with you. If you can genuinely get a woman to laugh, that means she enjoys your company. A joke or story that evokes an uncomfortable or forced giggle may not bode well for your future chemistry.
When you’re trying to get a reaction from women, it’s more about wordplay than being a performer. You shouldn’t feel the need to have an entire standup routine in your arsenal just to feel confident when talking to women. The focus should be on improving your communication skills, so your quick wit is readily apparent. Finding humor in conversations and situations makes everyone involved more relaxed.
Of course, you want to make a good impression, especially with a pretty woman. However, what many people don’t realize is that showing humility as opposed to just singling out your strengths is also appealing. Joking about minor shortcomings or mistakes you’ve made can wind up being relatable and create a connection between the two of you. While it’s okay to reveal you aren’t perfect, be careful not to overshare or joke about really terrible things that have happened in your life. Be sure to keep the mood light, so you don’t come off as too self-deprecating or having too much baggage.
Laughter is a physical activity that relieves stress, tension, and anger. If you can put someone in a much better mood with your witty banter, that person is going to want to be around you more. Take first dates, for example. They are notorious for creating an atmosphere filled with tension and nerves. If you can help set a relaxed tone during the date, it will be as if a weight has been lifted off both your shoulders. You and your date will be more open to getting to know each other and have a much better experience. It would be a shame to miss out on a promising relationship just because everyone was too self-conscious and awkward.
When you discover that both of you can laugh at the same things, you develop more of a bond. Subconsciously, you both recognize that you share similar ideas and perspectives. More often than not, the result of humor is fun. When you both can have fun together, that’s what immediately comes to mind when you think of the other person, fueling the desire to see each other again. Feeling happy never gets old, so when you’re responsible for driving that emotion in others, people rarely forget it.
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