Who to Call When You Have a Car Accident Injury

Who to Call When You Have a Car Accident Injury

According to the Association for Safer International Travel, globally there are 20 to 50 million non-fatal injuries suffered in car accidents every year, often resulting in long-term disabilities. Other types of injuries may be caused by the negligence of a physician or risks in the workplace, among others. That makes the odds of experiencing a personal injury relatively high, but do you know who to call after it happens?

Unfortunately, many people don’t know what to do after suffering from a personal injury and just one mistake can have a negative impact on claims, resulting in a lower or even no settlement at all.

It’s important to act quickly to ensure you get the compensation you deserve, so you’ll want to know who to call if and when that injury happens. If you were involved in a car crash, before you do, be sure that you and your vehicle are out of harm’s way if possible, assuming that you aren’t in immediate need of medical help.

While the order may vary depending on the particular circumstances, these are the calls you should make as soon as you can after a personal injury like a motor vehicle accident.


The first call you should make after a motor vehicle accident should always be 911. In fact, many states require it if there are injuries or a certain amount of property damage has been sustained.

Even if it’s not required, it’s in your best interest to do so as the police will come to the scene to create an accident report and collect information that can be important for a personal injury scene. If there is anyone seriously injured, the operator will also send first responders to the scene so that they can be treated as quickly as possible.

Your Doctor’s Office

Even if you aren’t taken by ambulance to the emergency room following the accident, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Some injuries don’t present themselves right away after a crash, such as back, neck, and traumatic brain injuries.

Visiting your health care provider will also serve as critical evidence for an injury claim. It’s a good idea to call your doctor’s office while you’re waiting for the police or a ride if your car needs to be towed.

A Lawyer

Calling a personal injury lawyer should always come before making a call to your insurance company. After an accident, insurance companies will be looking for every way possible to eliminate or minimize recovery. They will want to know all of the details of the accident and the severity of injuries as close to the time it occurred as possible, but those conversations can later be used against you, and insurance companies know it’s unlikely you’ve hired a lawyer at this point.

When you have an attorney, they’ll be able to guide you through the whole process and communicate with insurance adjusters for you to ensure they don’t take advantage of your inexperience in handling accident claims.

Friends or Family

Unless the accident was a minor one, you’ll probably want to have a friend or family member by your side to help you stay calm. If you can’t drive but don’t require an ambulance they can give you a ride home, to your doctor’s office, or to the nearest hospital.