Hotel Accidents occur every day all across the country. Hotel accidents occur when a guest slips or falls, or for a variety of reasons. These accidents can also be caused by hotel staff members at any time.
Different Types of Hotel Accidents
There are many different types of hotel accidents. Hotel accidents can cause broken bones, head injuries, cuts, bruises, stitches, permanent disfigurement, permanent disorientation, and permanent nerve damage.
Hotel Employee Negligence
An individual working at the hotel may commit a negligent action, which could mean serious injury for guests. Many hotels require large support staff to operate properly. Maids and maintenance personnel work at the bottom level, ensuring that rooms are clean and safe for occupants. The front desk staff is in charge of assigning rooms to customers looking for a place to sleep. The manager is in charge of keeping their staff on top of their jobs.
Negligent Action
Any of these accidents may be the result of a negligent action. When you are injured by one of these negligent actions, you can suffer long-term, debilitating impairments. You may lose wages in addition to physical and emotional pain and suffering.
Since premises liability is a form of negligence, the suing individual will need to prove that negligence actually caused their injury. This may be a difficult task, so it is advisable to hire an experienced hotel chain liability lawyer to handle the case, as legal battles may be complicated.
Sprains and strains can be severe and be mild enough to not arouse a need to contact a local lawyer to determine if there is grounds for litigation to recover damages from an accident that caused injuries. Impact injuries are generally more severe and will most likely require consulting a qualified attorney like you’ll find at to assess your situation effectively.
Other Types of Injuries
Impact injuries include getting hit by a sports projectile, like something as innocuous as a tennis ball. If a tennis ball, for example, hits someone in the face and shatters their glasses an eye injury of varying severity can result, including the loss of an eye. Eye injuries arising from sporting accidents and those from broken glass in car accidents can require expensive medical treatments to correct or save the eye from loss. Other impact injuries at hotels can occur even when getting in and out of elevators but usually, it happens when a finger or toes get caught in a door or some other device that essentially crushes or breaks it.
Photographs for Documentation
It is important that an injured party in an accident gets photographs soon as the incident occurs to clearly show the apparent damage. The true damage, however, may be far more severe than any external photograph can show. That is why seeking medical attention immediately after an injury is best to capture not only the internal views that modern medical imaging can show but to show the external views also. Once healing begins one cannot go back and show properly how severe an injury may have been.
If you have been injured at a poorly maintained hotel, do not go through your recovery alone. Speak to Lipcon, Margulies, Alsina & Winkleman, P.A. at 877-233-1238 to learn more about fighting for financial compensation for your injuries. This acclaimed law firm has been recognized as “Lawyer of the Year” in Admiralty and Maritime 2020 (Miami) by US News & World Report.
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