Are you looking to renovate your home and are afraid of pests getting back into your home? Well, remodeling your home could involve various tasks from the simplest ones like changing the windows to breaking down walls. In these processes, you may overlook pest control and sanitation, and this could hugely disadvantage you in future. In this article, you will get to know some of the crucial things to bear in mind about pests when remodeling your home.
Before Remodeling
Get Professional Pest Management Company to Assess:
Before the renovation project begins, you should call in professional pest management services to help you assess for pest activity in the area. After the assessment, they will recommend suitable measures to reduce or eliminate the pests in the construction site.
Pre-treat for Pests Beforehand:
Termites are among the most destructive pests when working with wooden materials. You need to treat for termites as soon as possible and avoid getting your wood to the ground.
Inspect all the Raw Materials for Pests:
Before you start using any materials, you need to check them for pests and treat them in good time.
During Remodeling
Use Caulk:
When remodeling your home, you need to use caulk to seal around all the pipes and entry points that pests might use to access your home. You shouldn’t leave any holes or gaps as these are favorite spots for tiny crawling pests.
Do Not Use Expanding Foam:
While it is a great filling agent for all the holes in the construction, rodents can quickly chew through it and damage your structures. The best alternative to expanding foam is steel wool, hardware cloths, and metal flashing.
Keep the Site Clean:
Ensure that the construction site is clean and clear of foods, trash, and wood debris. These attract pests, and this could hugely damage your building and raw materials. Professional remodeling contractors will ensure that the site is clean and dispose of all the waste at the end of every working day.
Grade the Property Well:
Pests love water. To avoid infestation, you need to have the property well graded so that all the water flows away from the renovated structure. You need to minimize the amount of water that is lying at the worksite.
Set Bait Traps on the Exterior of the Home:
With the construction ongoing, you can also set up bait traps all around the home to eliminate infestations.
After Remodeling
Use Sodium Vapor Lights:
Sodium works well as a repellent for most flying pests. You should install these lights all around the newly renovated home to keep them away.
Avoid Plants that Attract Pests:
Once the home renovations are over, you will want to landscape your lawns and gardens. It is advisable that you avoid using plants that can attract pests. Some of these plants include fruit trees, flowering shrubs, ground-covering plants and ivy. If you must plant them, you should keep them away from the house (a range of 3feet is okay). It prevents the pests from jumping off from the plants to the house.
Install Tight Windows and Doors:
If you are renovating your windows and doors, you need to find tightly fitting frames to prevent pest activity in the gaps. To further reinforce the protection, you should use weatherstripping and screens on the window and door frames.
Work with Professional Pest Management Professionals:
After the renovation, ensure that you use Pest Control / Excel Pest Services to help you further protect the premises from pests. Besides performing these sanitation and pest control practices, they will also educate the residents and occupants on preventing pest infestations.
Keep the Property Clean:
Cleanliness remains the best way to keep pests away from your premises. Eliminate all food droppings in the home and regularly disinfect to keep germs and pests at bay.
Get Regular Pest Control Checks:
After completion, you need to schedule regular pest control checks to ascertain the home’s condition. It is always easier when you identify the problems before they escalate.
Remodeling your home is a beautiful thing. Besides giving your home that facelift, it also enhances the home’s value. Regardless of the intensity of the project, you should never overlook pest management during the remodeling phase.
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