The concept of car modification exists in two parallel dimensions, which we will talk about today. A modification is a special series of a specific model of a machine on which certain parts are installed. For example, Chevrolet Niva has a FAM-1 modification with a more powerful and modern power unit, and the company also released a special series of Tundra, which can be considered a modification. Unlike the main model line, the modification often has certain inconsistencies in the design.
But there is another perception of the term car modification. If you ask a car service professional what a car modification is, you will be told that it is a change in certain functions of the car by reinstalling the software or performing aggregate changes. That is, it is the process of modifying certain features of a machine. However, even a change of seats to a more convenient option will be regarded as a modification. We will deal with the basic concepts and features of this difficult term.
Why is it important to know the factory modification of your car?
Car manufacturers often carry out various kinds of experiments, which are designed to improve the quality and functionality of the car. In one year of production, your models can stand one type of part, and in the next – completely different. Such modifications allow the manufacturer not only to improve the machine and carry out various design changes between releases of different generations. It is also important to know how any modifications you make to your car can impact your insurance policy. For more information, here’s a comprehensive guide on how car modifications can impact your insurance.
An important objective of such changes is the serious motivation of owners to go for service and for details directly to official stations. Only here they can qualitatively evaluate one or another modification of the car, offer the necessary spare parts and normally make the necessary repairs. The company can also diversify the production of spare parts and achieve other benefits:
- integration into the machine system of quality elements from other manufacturers;
- change of recommendations for car maintenance, which reduces the efficiency of unofficial service centers;
- the production of a large number of spare parts, an increase in the necessary assortment for automobile stores
- unloading production, using free or not so busy lines for manufacturing parts;
- additional offers of services at official stations in the form of specialized services;
- testing and verifying the operability of various technologies in practice through their implementation.
We do not always know about all the intricacies of the engine that is installed in our car. Its modification is necessarily indicated in the marking. Manufacturers often test their new technologies, producing experimental engine options for mass production. Therefore, the modification of the car is quite important, because taking into account this factor, you can buy a proven car with a good power unit. Also, you need to know the modification of the car to buy an engine. Often in automobile stores, we are offered the service of selecting parts for the model and year of manufacture. This is a very rude approach because the modification includes such features as the type and series of the power unit, codes of all the main components and even the name of the designer who made this or that revision to the originally existing equipment.
Click here to know about car modifications.
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