What Constitutes the Plumbing System at Home?

What Constitutes the Plumbing System at Home?

Most people have the idea that the plumbing system is responsible for water distribution throughout the house. Little did they know, they are responsible for something bigger than that. The plumbing system discusses four different areas. These areas have specifications in terms of the type of fixtures and components required for them to function efficiently. From the flow of clean water to the disposal of wastewater, they have a designated place in the plumbing system.

The plumbing system at home exhibits the complexity of networks involving drain, waste, water supply, vent, and other plumbing components. Considering that the system is not that visible, they require time and attention in understanding how the system works as a whole. To give you an idea, here are the components which constitute your plumbing system at home.

Drain, Waste, Vent (DWV)

The drain, waste, and vent or DWV is a type of plumbing system which works hand in hand. For the system to function efficiently, they require the specifications of one another. Unlike the piping system, they are not visible.

They are installed in between walls for a more organized and secure plumbing plan. The drain, waste, and vent are responsible for transporting the wastewater and sewage coming from the showers, sinks, bathtubs, toilets and other appliances requiring water usage.

They deliver the waste from the drains of these fixtures to the septic tank of the house to the public sewer. The drain, waste, and vent are usually out of sight of the homeowners and guests to prevent unwanted adjustments.

They can be messy at times especially when the pipings are not installed properly or there are obstructions within the lines. Know that they craw within your house vertically and horizontally. As much as possible, visible or not, plumbing components should be regularly maintained.

Water Supply

The water supply system at home is considered as the main source of water distributed throughout the water-requiring areas. The clean water will either come from the municipal water or from your own water tank pumping from beneath the ground.

From your water source at home, they deliver clean water in bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, and even on your backyard. The pipeline runs from the main source crawling beneath the ground, into your house and up to the rooms.

Considering that the water supply system is essential in water distribution, they require high-quality components. These components are designed to withstand pressure and temperature. They are commonly known as fittings, water pipes, faucets, shower heads, and service valves. The water supply system utilizes equipment which is reliable and resilient especially during changes in environmental conditions, calamities, and power outages.

These equipment are usually made of steel-based material or plastic-based material like plastic, copper, galvanized iron, steel, and brass. The pipes designated for the water supply system ranged in 0.5 inches to 4 inches in diameter. The dimensions depend on the number of rooms the water supply will cater to and the area of the house.

The whole water supply system is controlled by the main shut-off valve preferably from a reliable globe valve supplier for regulating and halting clean water flow.


Kitchens are one of the common areas inside the house designated for cooking. Their design is pretty basic compared to the living room and bedroom of a house. The kitchen sink lies on the exterior wall for more convenient disposal of wastewater.

They are aligned to the exterior wall not just for easy disposal but for easy installation and repair as well. The main components of the kitchen plumbing system are the faucets and the gas range. The faucet is connected to the water supply and hot water system to distribute both hot and cold water.

They also have a waste line for the sink which is commonly found beneath the countertops. On the other hand, the gas range is supported by a gas supply pipe to produce flames for cooking. They also have an exhaust located on the upper part of the range to prevent the increase in the temperature and smoke distributed throughout the house.


The plumbing system in bathrooms is made up of showers, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and other fixtures requiring water. Bathrooms do not just require a supply of clean water, they also need the bathroom to handle wastewater, waste debris removal, and vent.

Since they are connected to the water supply, they can provide both hot and cold water to the different fixtures. From the municipal supply or public water source, they run through the meter and distribute water throughout the house.

The flow of wastewater and waste debris is very important in bathrooms. They make it to a point that the fixtures are located and designed in accordance with the flow of clean and waste water. Moreover, the flow of waste materials is just as important. The plumbing plan should have an organized direction of flow delivering waste materials to the septic system.


The plumbing system is one of the most important parts of a house to improve its functionality. Since they are responsible for the water distribution and waste disposal, ensure that they are planned in accordance with plumbing code and the home design. As you conduct research on how deep plumbing can be, make it to a point that you familiarize yourself with the basics of plumbing design.

(Image Source: https://dsplumbing.ca/drains-sewers/home-plumbing-diagram/)