Statistics from the World Health Organization suggest that 1 in 8 adults have a mental illness. Mental health should be a priority for all of us, but it often gets overlooked. We usually focus on our bodies, rather than our minds, when we talk about healthy living. In this guide, we’ll share some actionable steps to help you improve your mental health and enhance well-being.
Recognize mental health symptoms
It’s often more difficult to detect and diagnose mental health disorders because they don’t always cause obvious, visible symptoms. Learning to recognize the signs of mental health disorders can help you to identify problems and understand the difference between natural human emotions and mental illnesses. Anxiety, for example, is both a condition and an emotion. It’s perfectly understandable to feel anxious if you’re about to sit a test, do an interview or receive results, for example, but what if you feel anxious when there’s no apparent cause? If you struggle to relax, or you’re always on edge, this could mean that you’re experiencing symptoms of an anxiety disorder. If you have symptoms for a few days, your symptoms get worse or they start to impact your daily life, seek advice.
Understand that help is available
Many of us are reluctant to get help for mental health symptoms. There’s a stigma attached to mental illness and lots of us are not used to being open about how we feel. It can be hard to admit that you’re finding it difficult to cope, or that you’re experiencing emotions you’ve not dealt with before. Understand that there is help out there. Whether you see a doctor or a therapist, or you open up to a friend or relative, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Taking that first step can help you get the support you need. Treatment options range from self-help techniques to medication, visiting a mental health facility and talking therapies. Try to think of your mental health in the same way as your physical health. Most people wouldn’t think twice about speaking to a doctor if they had back pain or they’d injured their leg, for example. Being honest and open can help to prevent symptoms from getting worse and enable you to move forward.
Practice self-care
Self-care is a buzzword, but essentially, all it means is looking after yourself. We can all take steps to protect and improve our mental health. Basic, effective therapies and remedies include spending time outside, exercising regularly, socializing with people you love and devoting time to hobbies and interests. Self-care also means eating well, taking time out to rest and recover and trying to manage stress. It’s also beneficial to treat yourself kindly. We tend to be our harshest critics and this can affect self-esteem and confidence levels.
Mental health is as important as physical health, but it’s often overlooked. Just as we strive to protect our bodies by making positive lifestyle choices, we can also nourish and shield our minds. To improve your mental health, learn to recognize signs of mental illness and take action if you have symptoms or you don’t feel yourself. Try to be open and honest about your mental health and understand that help is available. Embrace self-care. Looking after your body and mind can make an incredible difference to your physical and mental well-being.
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