The past decade has seen a rising trend in work from home situations as they become more family friendly, discover the money saving effects of home offices, and appreciate the flexibility of non-traditional work hours. And with more and more people using work from home situations in order to make it through current events, workspace organization is more important than ever.
Even if you aren’t working from home, your space is crucial to how effective you are while you work. Keeping your area free from clutter is a great way to approach productivity, but this can be a challenge- especially if you are new to a home work space. Read on for some simple tips to help keep your area well managed.
Benefits of Staying Decluttered
Keeping your work areas organized isn’t only to allow yourself to easily see where all your materials and resources are at with just a glance. It has many advantages that threads its way into your overall approach to work and mental processes as well. A few things to consider when getting into good organizational habits include:
Quick problem solving, such as what can be tossed and what can stay, can get you into an energizing mindset that will power you through whatever comes next. It also creates a feeling of accomplishment.
Sense of Confidence
Decision making and problem solving skills boosts confidence and mental strength. You can bring this energy into your work, no matter whether you are figuring corporate numbers, or looking for a fun weekend craft. Find plenty of these ideas at Most Craft.
Reduction in Anxiety
Order, and the process of creating order, can bring a sense of calming and peace. It also helps reduce feelings of anxiety as it provides a purpose for you to follow as you move through your work, and look around knowing you are prepared for whatever is next thrown at you.
Reclaiming of ‘Misplaced’ Materials
Find what was once lost when you start getting organized and finding ways to declutter. It is always a good day to discover a forgotten item, especially if it is one that provides inspiration or aides in your work.
Tension Release
Just like reducing anxiety, you can change the atmosphere in your home when things become more organized. Release tension in your family, as well as those you may have when you anticipate trying to find something amongst a cluttered area.
Have Labeled Areas for Storage
One way to get your work spaces organized is to set aside specific areas for both large and small items and have labeled storage bins and shelves. This helps you find what you need quickly, keeps things out of your way, and provides a calming sense to know you can quickly find what you need when you need it.
Organize Your Cables
Charging cables, computer cables, printer cables, and anything else that requires to be plugged in from time to time can leave a mess behind. Organize a charging station and tuck your cables up behind desks, or wrap in a neoprene sleeve to help consolidate the space they take up.
Keep your Desktop and Virtual Storage Organized
Keep both your physical desk and digital desktops and storage options organized. Create folders, shelving, and well labeled documents to easily find what you are looking for. Be sure to simplify this filing system as much as possible, with subfolders and dates. Do the same with your email folders as well.
Organize Your Desk at the End of Each Work Day
Before stopping for the day, leave your physical and digital spaces organized and ready for the following morning. Even though it’s easy to walk away at the end of the day, and follow the mentality of, “getting it done tomorrow”, it truly is best to not leave anything cluttered or unfinished. You will thank yourself the next morning when you can stay focused on the day’s tasks, rather than interrupt the ironing with cleaning up yesterday’s work.
Always File Documents After Use
Once you use a file, read mail, or create a document, be sure to immediately file it away in its proper place once done. This way you avoid accidentally misplacing it, or forget about where it was last used when you move onto the next task.
Getting your work space (and often surrounding areas) organized and decluttered can help you better focus on what task you have on hand. An organized space is excellent for both your mental health, as well as physical work area and can provide you the means to work efficiently and effectively. Be sure to apply some of the above tips to your own spaces no matter whether you work from home or an office, in a professional manner or for crafting. In short, it is a great practice for anyone!
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