Generally, everyone knows what locksmiths do same goes for vehicles too. However, vehicle locksmith professionals have special tools with which they can safely unlock your vehicle in case you locked yourself in or lose your keys and don’t have a set of replacement keys.
1. Reprogramming
With the advancement of technologies, car lock system has also evolved from our conventional key lock to keyless entry systems. They are programmed microchip keys which work with sensors. So in case you’re locked out, a professional locksmith with a knowhow of keyless entry systems will easily be able to program a key and unlock the car with having to damage anything.
2. Immobilizer Key Re-flashing
As things have evolved they have also become more vulnerable. The Immobilizer is a system that prevents your car from being stolen. If someone tries to steal your car the immobilizer prevents your car from getting snatched and doesn’t let the car start up. However, sometimes, the immobilizer can become defective and even if you have the keys the car doesn’t start up.
3. Stuck Broken Key
If the key ever gets broken inside the keyhole on the car lock and gets stuck inside, you should call an experienced altona locksmith (or one elsewhere more relevant for you!). A professional locksmith will have access to complex extracting tools to extract the broken key than make a duplicate out of it to open the car up. The locksmith also uses a tool called a door handle clip removal tool in order to release the clip mechanism which keeps the door handle shut.
4. Slim Jim
Slim Jim is the main tool of the locksmith, old-school yet it works and is reliable if other methods do not work. It’s a thin piece of tool that can slide in between the weather strip and glass in order to open the door from inside without a key. It may sound old school and easy out of the many others but it requires a complex way of use and knowledge in order to operate it properly without messing up the wiring harness.
5. Coding key cutter
Vehicles that feature keyless entry also have mechanically coded key print of the physical key. By using the VATS passkey decoder they can work out the values and basically generate a blueprint of the physical key without actually having the physical duplicate key. This is a better called advanced way of unlocking cars but most professionals will be able to make a key with this process.
6. J and L tools
These are the most basic tools you would find in a car locksmith toolbox. They are used for the older car models that do not have the keyless entry or new type of car unlock systems rather the old button up unlock systems. J and L tools are almost the same however J tool can usually be used with a wider model of vehicles while the L tool is specific to some models.
In conclusion car professional locksmith know what they are doing and are specifically trained for this purpose, rather than trying to break into your own car yourself it’s better to hire a professional and get it done.
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