Instagram is an online phenomenon which has been getting a considerable amount of attention in recent years. This attention has come about because of the explosion in the social network’s use and its amount of users. What started from scratch in 2010 has gone on to grow steadily, with it reaching one billion users in June 2018. Reaching this number continues the sharp growth trend the social network has undergone on its journey there. In its first four years of existence, it gained three hundred million users and in the following four years, it increased by a further seven hundred million. At its current rate, another one hundred million users sign up in the space of a few months and, while it may have hit an important landmark, there is no sign that its growth will slow down any time soon. Because of the large number of users, Instagram has become a creative hub with millions of people uploading content on a daily basis and contributing to what is fast becoming a focal point of modern society as people from all walks of life converge on this particular social media to show their ideas with the wider world.
How can you make use of Instagram to promote your business?
If you have been looking into Instagram to some extent in recent time, you may have noticed the appearance of websites which offer Instagram users the opportunity to buy Instagram followers and likes. These websites provide a service for Instagram users which can help them build a loyal base of followers and make the most of the highy-valued interaction which can get people the attention they need. Once you know that it is possible to pay for these features, such as likes or comments for your posts and getting followers to engage with your account on a regular basis, then it becomes a good idea to apply it if you are using an Instagram account to promote a business venture of some kind, whether it be through selling a product or providing a service. Instagram is a place where a successful profile will get a lot of attention and, therefore, if you have something to sell, a lot of people will be exposed to it.
Why is Instagram an option for businesses looking to promote themselves?
There are many reasons to consider Instagram as a tool for putting you and your business in the limelight. As mentioned above, there is a large number of users who are ready to explore new content and learn more about it. In fact, it is the profile of these Instagram users which also catches the attention of a lot of people who are looking to sell products in the online market. It is estimated that about 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business while 60% of Instagram users have been known to buy a product that they first saw on the social network. Similarly, the engagement level of Instagram users with brands is much higher than that for users of other social networks, with the engagement rate being ten times greater than that of Facebook, its nearest rival. In addition, Instagram offers a business account which includes more features for businesses to better manage the social network such as more information about analytics and direct contact with users as well as being able to sell products directly through Instagram. Instagram is a medium which focuses on the use of photos and visual media to spread messages and this can be particularly helpful if you have a product to sell as it will give users a clear view of what the product looks like.
How do you become a success on Instagram?
The key to success on Instagram is interaction with Instagram users. Interaction comes in many different ways but the ones that are considered to be most important for Instagram are likes, comments and followers. With a healthy mix of all three, your profile will grow and get more attention and, in turn, become even more visible to a wider audience of people. This then encourages more engagement and the growth continues to get bigger and bigger as the process goes on.
Likes are a positive acknowledgement from other users of the content that you have uploaded to Instagram. The more likes you get, the more visible the post becomes and more people can see it as its popularity causes it to spread further and further.
Comments can be used to extend the positive response to a post that just cannot be captured within a like or they can be used to ask for further information about the content of a post. They can also be used to tag people in posts so that these users can be informed of the post’s content. This is just one which comments can be used to gain even more attention for your posts and your profile.
Followers are quite possibly the most important of all Instagram features as they include the ability to provide likes and comments while also adding to the number of followers which can prove to be an important figure when trying to publicise your account.
Now that you know what Instagram can offer you and you have an idea of how it works, you can be sure that giving it more time and using it to promote your business can prove to be a great success.
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