Dump trucks are basically used for transporting loose materials like gravel, demolition waste, sand etc. A dump truck is designed with a hydraulic ram which would help lift the front then allow the materials deposited on the bed to be dumped behind the truck. There are various types of dump trucks you can choose from and each of them have specified functions and services they offer. There are certain tips that will help these dump trucks during cold weather and in this article, we will discuss some of them.
While dump trucks have maintained their status as an industry standard for many years, live bottom trailers are increasingly gaining favor due to their distinctive advantages. The conveyor belts in these trucks enable finer control over the unloading process, resulting in a more precise material discharge.
Driving dump trucks during the winter season requires certain skills and most drivers do not possess these skills. Skid control and good maneuvering are good skills all drivers should have during the winter season. A vast knowledge and implementation of the needed skills will separate the good drivers from others. Basically, driving when the weather is cold is quite dangerous and this is because of lack of clear vision, stopping often, increased unpredictability and poor traction. This is why drivers should take into consideration certain useful tips when driving.
Some of these tips include:
- Follow A Safe Distance
Driving a dump truck when the weather is cold or icy, you must always remember to leave enough room or space for the vehicle behind your truck. It is advised that you stay about 1.4 miles apart from the vehicle next to your dump truck. This is important because it offers you the opportunity to slightly move back if there is an obstruction on the way.
For the vehicle in front of you, it is important that you do not follow its tail light as this would mean that you are closely behind it. While you give enough space to the vehicle behind you, endeavor to give the same space to that in front of you as well.
- Do Not Travel As A Pack
Generally, on the highway traffic moves in packs so it is important that you look for a way to get out of the pack on the highway and travel alone and while doing so, you have to ensure that you give the vehicle behind enough space.
- Do Not Continue Driving If The Bed Of The Truck Is Raised
Driving while the bed of your truck is raised could make you run into something. This could be life-threatening, so it is important that is your bed is properly raised before zooming off.
- Make Sure All Systems Are Working
Before zooming off, you have to ensure that not only the dump truck body is cleaned properly, you have to ensure that all systems are working. Ensure that the heater, defrosters are actually working. And also the wiper, brake lights, wiper motor, lights are also working properly. Also ensure that you top the washer fluid and that the brakes are set, also that the windows and side mirrors are properly cleaned before hitting the road.
- Stop and Clean Truck Lights Often
It is important that you do not drive for a long time during the cold weather, you have to regularly stop to ensure that all systems are working perfectly. While you make those stops, you must ensure that your lights are cleaned before getting back to the road. This is important as it ensures that your dump truck light shines brighter enabling you to see obstacles that must be avoided. It is also important that you apply good judgement, if the weather is too bad to continue, it is advised that you stop at a place that is convenient and wait until the traveling condition is safe.
While you make these frequent stops, ensure that your dump truck is not parked at the shoulder of the road as this might confuse other drivers coming behind you.
- Do Not Try To Be a Hero
If the weather conditions get worse or severe, it is important that you recognize the danger that might come if you continue driving. You should not feel that you are letting anyone down if you do not deliver at the scheduled time. So basically, if the weather condition is severe it is better you stop at a convenient place until it is safe to get back on the road.
- Slow Down
It is reported that most accidents that occur during the winter season are mostly because of excessive speeding. While you might think driving at the exact speed limit is good, it could be too fast for that weather condition. While driving at the speed limit might just be legal, it could also be dangerous. So you have to drive slowly to ensure that you can detect obstacles and swiftly avoid them.
- Try Not To Overload The Dump Truck;
While dump truck bodies were designed to carry load, it is important that you do not overload them. Not only will it be difficult to dump once you get to your destination, it could also add more weight to the truck which might make it difficult to drive especially during the cold weather.
- Braking;
While most drivers make use of the jake brake in unfavorable weather conditions, it is advised that you do not in any way engage the jake brake while driving on cold or icy weather conditions. Also, you have to ensure that you do not overuse your foot brake as well. Most importantly, do not use the brake when the entire dump truck bodies are not straight. They must be lined properly before you apply the brake, this is to ensure that the truck does not, unfortunately, spin out of position.
- Fuel Tanks Must Be Topped Up;
This is important for extra weight to be on the tyres to keep the truck in proportion. While your fuel is topped up, ensure that your tyres are quality ones with the appropriate pressure.
These are some of the core dump truck tips every truck driver must strictly adhere to during cold or icy weather. These tips have been researched and have proven to be effective over time.
Author Bio: Mario Rolls is the blog consultant and writer at Dump Trucks. He brings 20 years of experience in various industries including heavy vehicle blogging and dump body manufacturing business. He is working for a company in Mississippi and one of the Nation’s primary manufacturers of dump truck bodies and trailers. Warren offers products and services for the smallest to the largest trucks.
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