Some of the ways you can rejuvenate or change the colour of your uPVC windows is to either get them vinyl wrapped or spray painted. uPVC window wrapping and uPVC spray painting are both innovative and effective ways of transforming the look of your uPVC windows and your property as a whole. However, are there any key differences between the two? Keep reading to find out.
uPVC window wrapping vs spray painting
When it comes down to choosing between uPVC window wrapping and uPVC spray painting, many contractors and homeowners tend to recommend uPVC spray panting as a better option for changing the colour of your uPVC windows. This is because of two major reasons; appearance and costs.
This is a major difference between uPVC window wrapping and spray painting. Although both come in a wide variety of colours and offer a smooth and vibrant finish, the quality of the vinyl wraps used in uPVC window wrapping tends to vary depending on the manufacturers. Basically, you never really know the quality you are getting with these vinyl wraps, and you might just end up with knock-offs. Also, if you do get high-quality vinyl wraps, they can only change the colour of your uPVC windows temporarily (most vinyl wraps usually come with a 5 years guarantee).
uPVC spray painting, on the other hand, offers a smooth finish and will also change the colour of your uPVC windows permanently. It also comes in a wide variety of colours. Professional spray painters like PBM Paints offer a wide range of high-quality paint colours that will not crack or peel. The UV-resistant finish used for the spray painting will protect your windows against any weather conditions with a guarantee of up to 10 years.
This is another distinguishing factor when it comes to uPVC window wrapping Vs uPVC spray painting. With window wrapping, the recommended high-quality 3M vinyl wrap can cost you hundreds of pounds per roll. In addition to buying these expensive wraps, if you want a professional-looking finish, you will also need to hire professionals to carry out the project, which also costs more.
This is because, in comparison to uPVC spray painting, window wrapping requires a more extensive labour time. For example, each window can take up to 4 hours to wrap, so if you intend to work on your entire house, then you are looking at a 3-4 day job, and this will definitely make a sizeable dent in your wallet.
uPVC spray painting, however, is significantly more cost-effective than uPVC window wrapping. The cost of the materials is usually lower since most spray painting companies prefer to special order their paints straight from a supplier. The time taken to complete a spray painting job is also shorter than (more than half) the time taken for window wrapping, so it is both faster and cheaper.
In the debate between uPVC window wrapping and uPVC spray painting, spray painting will have to take the win because it comes with all the benefits of uPVC window wrapping (wide range of vibrant colours and a smooth finish) and none of its downsides (shorter lifespan and costs). For best results with your uPVC spray painting, always endeavour to enlist the services of expert painters.
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