We’ve all heard that a cold shower is good for us once in a while, but a weak shower is just plain disappointing.
If you’ve been putting up with a weak water supply then it’s time to do something about it. Water is a resource we tend to take for granted, we turn a tap on and, voila, there it is. It’s only when the flow is affected we realise how much we rely on it.
Upgrading your water supply will ensure that you and your family have a constant strong flow of water. It may be a bit daunting when you decide to take the jump and upgrade, but don’t panic, there are a ton of benefits to upgrading your water supply. In this useful guide we’ve got some great tips and advice, so make sure you read on!
Better Water Pressure
Low or weak water pressure is annoying and inconvenient. It can reduce your water flow to just a trickle, not good if you’re trying to fill your kettle up for your morning coffee in a rush. Some heating appliances and modern showers may not even work if the pressure is below a certain level.
Upgrading your supply will eliminate this problem and during an upgrade, all the issues you’re experiencing due to weak pressure will be sorted.
Environmentally Friendly
Did you know, a leaky tap can waste more than 50 litres of water a week? Shocking isn’t it, and if that is happening in your workplace it’s literally profit down the drain. We all want to do our bit to save the planet and upgrading your water supply is a great starting point. Not only will it be more convenient for you and your employees, but you’ll also be helping to reduce carbon emissions and contributing to saving our ecosystem.
Personally, I found Castle Water to be a great business water supplier for my area. They can transform your water supply from old and inefficient to environmentally friendly with ease.
It’s all In the Pipes
If you’re working in an old property, the original pipes may be lead, galvanised steel, or other similar materials. These pipes are not reliable or efficient. Medium density polyethylene pipes are recommended for use in new properties nowadays.
Upgrading your pipes may seem like a costly options but it will stop any leaks from happening, in turn saving you more money in the long run.
No More Leaky Pipes
Did you know that even tiny leaks in your pipes pose a big health risk to your property and other people? Water damage that’s hidden is hazardous as well as a risk of the pipes freezing during the winter months. Those harmless looking leaks can also cause mildew and nasty odours.
When you upgrade your water supply, having the pipes checked is part of the installation, so it’s well worth it.
Safer Water
You and your employees health is of the utmost importance and an upgraded water supply will ensure that you have a constant flow of clean, safe water. No more pipe leaks that could result in water damage, mould, and other nasties. Your health will thank you for it!
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