When you’re starting your own business, all the spending tends to go towards advertisement and spreading the word about your venture. This leaves little to no wiggle room with the more personal side of your budget. All the funding going into creating flyers, making your store welcoming, or perfecting that last recipe is great for expanding your horizons as a business owner, but taking care of your own situation becomes secondary.
Things come up in life randomly and sometimes you will be hit in unexpected places. Most people don’t think much of their car after they purchase insurance, but a lot of things can still happen. Even with a policy, your car can get totaled or become obsolete through advancing technology.
If you’ve been thinking of upgrading your car for a while, or something recent come up and made it a necessity, there are some simple ways to get a new car while still following the budget of a smart small business owner.
Say Goodbye to Your Baby
I know, you’ve had that car since your dad handed you the keys on your 18th birthday. It’s been in your life for as long as you can remember. It may not have a working air conditioning or windows that roll down all the way, but it’s your baby. You made so many memories in those leather seats.
For a business professional, rolling up in your old, junky car doesn’t give the best first impression. Sure, there are funny stories behind the dent in the left passenger seat, but that’s not going to help you promote your business.
So, what do you do with the vehicle? You could always try to sell it on the side of the road, Amazon, or eBay, but those are always kind of fishy and tend to take a lot of time. You never know what you’re getting into with those situations and you can’t be sure of the profits you’ll make.
Selling your old car doesn’t have to be a hassle, with services like car removal Melbourne your car will be removed after a simple phone call. These services pay up to $10,000 for an extremely used car, so you can put those funds to purchasing another car or helping upgrade your business.
Finding a New Ride
After saying goodbye to your old car, it’s time to head into the future and purchase yourself a new car. With the removal service already taken care of, you should have a sweet pocket of money to put into a new car. Consider utilizing a heavy vehicle dynamometer to ensure the performance and efficiency of your new vehicle align with your business needs and budget.
Though on the selling side, putting your car on the side of the road tends to have varied results, as a buyer it’s the perfect opportunity to haggle your way into an affordable, gently used vehicle.
Of course, you must exercise caution and make plenty of phone calls before actually purchasing the car. Whenever a car is sold on the street or in a drive way, there is almost always a number to contact. Call the owner and ask questions about the vehicle. It’s important to get as much information as you can, so you can make a smart purchase.
On the call here are a handful of important questions to ask. Start by asking how many miles are on the vehicle. This will let you know how used the car is (make your best judgement of how many miles is too many). Then, move on to talking about the repairs done on the car, air conditioning, tires, battery, etc. If there has been a lot of work done the car might not be the best choice. If possible, ask to test drive the car before the final transaction, to get a feel of how it handles.
Upgrading your car doesn’t have to be an exhaustive expense and if you utilize cheap methods you could find yourself in a new car (upgrading your business image as well).
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