Men… Men… Men… And their fitness goals… So how many such fitness freaks have you come across by far? Of course, that’s really not a thing to ask because every other guy seems to be following a perfect fitness regime. This article is for the men who are just not ready to compromise with their fitness goals no matter the circumstances. Considering your passion towards achieving your goals, we have come up with four most effective exercises that must become a part of your routine. We believe in bringing to you the best health tips and fitness ideas to gear you up for a total body pump. Let’s get started!
Barbell Deadlift
One exercise that’s essential in the muscle building routine is the Deadlifts. A quintessential weightlifting exercise, a deadlift, if done properly can benefit you in several ways and give you a fit V-shape body you have had dreamed of. Lifting weights burns fat, increases core stability and strength, and allows you to keep your back straighter at all times while working out. Besides, the lifting engages all the major muscles – lower body, upper, and back. Moreover, some 8 to 10 deadlift repetitions will give you a better grip strength apart from increasing your growth hormones and testosterone. To effectively perform this exercise, all you need to do is stand up, stretch your arms, and grasp a free-weight bar with significant weights for as long as you can afford to lift the bar. Barbell deadlifts help you achieve weight-loss/fitness goals within stipulated time.
Building muscles or losing weight, or both, squats have always won the race when it comes to the best possible workouts for men. Regular body squats done right can do wonders, practically, have an effect on every muscle in your body. Besides helping you burn weight tremendously, they give you strong legs and a strong back. Adding some weight such as holding dumbbells, or using a squat rack will further boost your stamina. How do you pull off squats correctly? Well, you just need to take a deep breath, stand straight, push your abs outward like you do in an hyperextension machine, and bend your knees and hips lower to the ground without letting your back arch even a little. Although, the beginners might find performing squats difficult at first, but everything demands practice. Isn’t it? Stimulating muscle growth, reducing lower back injuries, and increasing overall flexibility are some of the best results you can get out of squats.
Farmer’s Walk
A traditional exercise with huge benefits, farmer’s walk is the epitome of functional training that requires power, athleticism, strong grip, and core strength. This exercise involves holding significant weights in both your hands and walk, initially, at tamed speed and when specialized then as fast as possible. And don’t dare forget to breathe…! Being one of the most humble grip test exercises, this one is followed by numerous fitness enthusiasts for strength and to build muscles. What more? Simply add this exercise to your fitness routine, perform it once a week for about a couple of times, and stay ahead of the competitions. In addition, farmer’s walk helps you lock out deadlifts and stay upright while performing squats thereby, boosting your stamina.
Single Leg Side Plank
Want a stabilized core, amazing abs, perfect Triceps, and a stronger torso? Planks will take care of it all! Pretty much everyone knows by now that doing planks regularly can tone the body in the most miraculous way. That said, plank tops the list when it comes to jotting down the best back workouts for men. Let us help you with sculpting your key core muscles. As it is, by now, you must have mastered all types of planks including the side ones. This time around, we are introducing you to the single-leg side plank position. This exercise demands you to keep your back straight while your body faces forward, and that’s the time when you slowly lift your leg. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds for best results.
Buckle-Up! Getting in shape has never been this easy!
“How important is it to stay fit and eat healthy”, asked a binge eater to a fitness enthusiast. Guess how did this amazingly fit and happy man responded… He said, “You see friend, I am clueless about what I had been doing all these years when I kept eating like you and one fine day, stumbled upon a man with a great body. Something struck me right then! It took me a year to become like him. I don’t say do not eat. I say, eat as much as you want but be regular at working it out with your body. Fitness, for me, is crucial.”
Getting a V-shaped body requires hard work but these exercises have been especially designed to give you a more powerful physique – a broad shoulder and a small waist. After all, that’s what a V-taper is! Buffedd is one good bodybuilding resource you can refer to.
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