Transform Interior Design into an Elegant Style with Glass Railing

Transform Interior Design into an Elegant Style with Glass Railing

Wood, metal, and glass are three of the most commonly used building materials for a staircase. However, among all these materials, glass is one that is the most popular. It may surprise you considering modern glass quality wasn’t developed until the 1900s. While the other two materials, wood & metal, have been around for a long time.

But why do people choose glass for the staircase? What are the qualities that make it so durable and versatile? If you are also confused between wood, metal, and glass railing, read this article.

Here we will learn why glass stair railing could be the better option among others.

Why the use of glass becomes trendy for staircases?

A lot of people have started using a glass stair railing in their homes and offices. No matter big homes or small ones, homeowners install glass stair railing to give their homes an elegant look.

Why People use glass railing

Below are some of the top reasons why people opt for glass railing.

  • Glass creates a spacious illusion

One primary reason why interior designers use glass stair railings is that it creates an illusion of more space where installed. This is especially true if the glass railing happens to be clear and transparent.

The illusion gives the impression of a larger space than it actually is. Using other materials, such as wood and metal, you will not get the same illusion. When you install a glass railing staircase, you can enjoy a transparent border. It, consequently, it creates a fresh and expansive atmosphere.

  • Glass railing is strong and durable


Glass, due to its traditional fragility, is not considered a good choice for interior design, especially in homes with children. However, this is nothing but a misconception. Glass happens to be more durable than wood and steel. Wood is prone to pest infestation and steel is prone to corrosion. You can visit this site to check out Fab Glass and Mirror glass railing collection.

Along with looking sophisticated, glass railings are also very robust. Once you install a glass railing, you would not have to change it for years to come. Since cleaning is relatively convenient, glass does not require high maintenance, either.

  • Glass railing allows light to come in

Glass railing allows light

Sunlight can illuminate the space it enters. As sunlight provides a fresh and energetic look to a house, a lot of people prefer this illumination. This is one of the reasons why people install a glass railing staircase.

Moreover, with sunlight illuminating, the steps will not cast any shadows, making it easier for you to walk down the stairs or climb up. This can be especially helpful if you have children or pets in your house. You would not need to depend on artificial lighting to light up the way.

  • Glass railing gives your house a sophisticated look

Glass railing 2

Glass is a timeless article. Adding a glass stair railing will enrich the beauty of your house, especially if you have a luxury home. Regardless of how many years go by, your house would never look out of style simply because of the glass railing staircase. And since glass comes in multiple designs, colors, and varieties, finding one for your staircase that complements the overall look of your house is not going to be difficult.

  • Glass railing can be easily cleaned


Cleaning a glass railing is something a single person can do. Since glass has a smooth surface, all you need is a cleaning sponge and a quality glass cleaner.

The same cannot be said about other materials, such as wood and steel. They consist of intricate and complicated designs, which is why cleaning them is not something you can do by yourself. Water can damage wood and cause steel to rust.

Therefore, you may require to polish and renovate other material after a few months or years. This is not the case with glass railing. Just wiping it down regularly brings life to the glass and makes it look pristine again.

Modern glass stair railing design ideas

With so many different designs out there, it can be overwhelming to choose one for your glass stair railing. But once you know what each of them is typically used for, it will be easier for you to make a decision.

The popular glass stair railing designs are:

  • Framed glass railing: As the name suggests, framed glass railings have a visible framing on the glass. All the parts, including the stainless steel cable posts and handrails, are visible in a framed glass railing. They are used mostly in homes with pets and children as they are more likely to run into glass panels.

Framed glass railing

  • Frameless glass railing: Frameless glass railing does not have any frame border or support structures. It consists of a clamp post system that holds the panels in place and base screens. People who prefer to have an unblocked view use frameless glass railing.

frameless glass railing

  • Frosted glass railing: Frosted glass railing is used by people who want to have control over the light that enters their home. Moreover, if you prefer privacy, use glass railing as it blocks the view and distorts the image of the person standing on the other side of the glass.

frosted glass railing

  • Curved glass railing: Curves glass railing is used for aesthetic purposes. This type of railing is often used in large offices, which serve as an inspiration for modern architecture. Curved glass railing is best suited with spiral stairs.

curved glass railing

Is it safe enough?

It is advised to use tempered glass for staircase railing as it is a resilient and robust glass. It is four times stronger than ordinary glass. One advantage of using tempered glass railing is that in the rare instances it breaks, it shatters into millions of small pieces. On the other hand, ordinary glass spreads into sharp pieces that can cause injury.

Thus, with tempered glass it is safe to say that glass can be the best material for your staircase railing.

Wrapping it up

Different eras have seen different interior designing materials. But one material that has remained the same throughout centuries is glass. Now, with more designing options than ever, more and more people have started using it inside their homes.

Since adding a glass stair railing has multiple benefits associated with it, this can be your best pick to give your space luxury vibes along with the functionality.