Top Tips For Avoiding Getting In a Car Accident

Top Tips For Avoiding Getting In a Car Accident

Each time that you start your car, you’re risking your life and others on the road.  In order to prevent getting in an accident behind the wheel, it’s important to take all of the right precautions.

Practicing proper defensive driving techniques will help eliminate the risk for accidents. Here are some of the best methods which will ensure your safety.

Eliminate Distractions

Get rid of anything that can take your eyes off of the road for even a moment. That means not using your cell phone, changing the radio, or reaching for something in your purse.

Your text message can wait until a later time, and you can certainly wait to pull out a stick of gum from your purse until a red light.  Not only can you get a hefty ticket for partaking in a distracting activity behind the wheel, but you can even risk your life.  It’s not worth it!

Check Your Blind Spots

Even though you may be confident that there is no one behind you, you shouldn’t trust your mirrors.  Always quickly turn to check your blind spot before changing lanes or merging.

Also, respect the blind spots of other drivers.  When driving behind a large vehicle like a semi-truck, make sure that you’ve got enough space between you and them.

As a general rule of thumb, you should keep your following distance to about two cars length.  By keeping your distance, you’ll ensure the maximum amount of safety.  The last thing you want is to find yourself crushed under the wheels of a semi-truck.  You’re not likely going to survive after a collision with such a large vehicle.

Be Extra Cautious Driving At Night

No matter how good you think you are at driving at night, it’s easy to miss things in sight.  There is a much higher risk of accidents when it’s dark outside.

You should be extra cautious about eliminating distractions and driving at a lower speed.

Avoid The Fast Lane If You Can

Statistically, most freeway accidents happen in the fast lane.  People tend to speed far beyond the limit and are a risk to those around them.

If you can manage, avoid the lane altogether to decrease your chances of an accident.

Keep Your Car Up To Safety Standards

It’s vital that you stay up to date with your car.  Get regular checkups and address any issues that pop up.  Make sure that you investigate any strange noises or odd behaviors.

It’s vital that you have a mechanic that you trust who you know will get the job done correctly.  As a result, you’ll be far less likely to get in an accident due to mechanical error or faulty materials.