Whenever we think of deadliest diseases across the globe, it is common for us to think about the ones that are incurable and claim the lives of millions every year. Shockingly, most of these diseases don’t even make it to the list of top 10 across the globe. Shockingly, more than 56 million people passed away back in 2015, which signifies that a lot of these diseases are very important to control. Even more surprising is the fact that most of these diseases are curable, provided you get yourself screened on time.
There are several factors that have a strong impact on the lifestyle of an individual. Sometimes these factors can add risks in our lives. Here, in this article, we will guide you through the top 10 deadliest diseases in the world. Continue reading till the end:
- Stroke
More than 11% of global deaths are the result of a stroke. A stroke occurs when a vein in your brain gets blocked or starts leaking. This is toxic and causes the oxygen cells to start drying within seconds. When people are suffering from an initial stroke, they feel confused, have difficulty in walking and seeing. People who don’t get treated on time, suffer from a disability that stretches for a long time. Shockingly, strokes are the main cause of why a lot of people are disable today. However, people who are treated within 3 hours of suffering a stroke have a higher tendency to stay healthy for a long time. CDC established a report last year that said more than 90% of the people suffering from initial stages of a stroke knew of numbness on one of the sides of the brain. You are vulnerable to developing a stroke if you suffer from high blood pressure, have a family history of strokes, are a chain smoker, and often take contraceptives.
- Pulmonary Disease
This is acknowledged as a lung disease that causes breathing issues. If you have heard of emphysema and chronic bronchitis, they are two types of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Back in 2004, it was found, more than 60 million people across the globe were living with this issue. This disease is responsible for more than 5% of deaths worldwide every year. People who are frequent smokers are exposed to lung irritants such as harmful chemical substances, have a family history of their loved ones suffering from it, or have a history of living with this disease as a child, are more likely to stay with it for a long time. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable, but there are medicines that help in slowing down the process of its growth over time. The number of people suffering from this disease has increased exponentially in the last ten years.According to WHO estimates for 2016, COPD was the third leading cause of death worldwide. Here you can find more information about the causes of the disease and how to treat it
- Diabetes
This is a kind of disease that impacts the production of insulin in the blood. When someone has type1 diabetes, the pancreas of such a person is unable to produce insulin. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, but it accounts for around 1.6% of deaths worldwide. Contrary to this, in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces less insulin and is often unable to use it. Luckily, the causes of type 2 diabetes are known. People who don’t frequently exercise, engage in obesity, have poor eating habits, wear an unhealthy lifestyle, and smoke very often are vulnerable to getting stuck with this disease. Luckily, diabetes is curable, and people who are stuck with this issue can be treated on time. Thanks to a massive advancement in medicine, a lot of people are recovering.
- Dehydration owing to diarrheal problems
Although a lot of people overlook diarrhea, it is essential to acknowledge this issue before it transitions into a serious problem. Diarrhea is acknowledged when you pass more than three loose stools in a day. So if your diarrhea stretches over a few days, your body will lose lots of water. This is dangerous because it causes dehydration that results in death. Diarrhea is caused by viruses and bacteria that enter the body through fluid and solid food. This problem is rampantly thriving in developing nations and continues to claim millions of lives every year. This problem particularly affects young children who are less than five years. Around 0.7 million children die from diarrhea every year. People who have a scarcity of clean water, live in poor conditions, have a weakened immune system, and are vulnerable to getting stuck with this health condition.
- Cancer
Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world and one that claims the lives of millions every year. It is known as a group of diseases that curtail the production of different blood cells. Common signs of cancer include a lump, extreme cough, difficulty in breathing, and unexpected weight loss. There are over 100 different types of cancers in the world. Shockingly, cancer is also caused by the material of the walls where you’re working. For instance, if you’re working in an office where the walls have been made of asbestos, you are exposing yourself to mesothelioma. People who develop this health condition as a result of working in faulty office material can sue their companies. If you ever develop this condition, look for Mesothelioma Attorney to help you fight for the maximum compensation to cover medical expenses. Cancer kills over two million people every year, which means that people spend billions of dollars’ worth of money on their treatments.
- Tuberculosis
It is a popular lung condition that is caused by bacteria known as mycobacterium. Luckily it is a treatable disease, but this bacteria is airborne. However, some strains of this disease can have a serious impact on the body and might not be curable. Tuberculosis is the main reason for death in people who are suffering from HIV already. Shockingly, around 35% of HIV deaths are caused by TB. Luckily the number of people suffering from this disease has fallen with the advancement in medicine, but every year around 2% of deaths are caused by TB. WHO has plans to eradicate this disease from the face of the earth by 2030. People who are suffering from diabetes, develop infections during HIV, suffer from malnutrition, and are on regular medications are vulnerable to this disease. The best way to get rid of this disease is to get treated for it on time. So if you think you have started to develop TB symptoms, it is essential to get treatment on time.
- Alzheimer’s Disease
Whenever you think of this disease, you might have only thought of memory loss. However, there is much more to it than you think. This disease is so toxic that it not only destroys the memory but also has an impact on the normal mental functions of the body. This is inclusive of reasoning, typical behavior, and thinking. This disease is the main kind of dementia and affects around 80% of people suffering from it. This disease begins with memory problems and starts causing short term memory loss. This disease progresses over time and causes full memory loss in a few years. People who are above 65, have a family history of the disease, are suffering from down syndrome, being female, have previous head trauma, and have developed cognitive impairment, develop Alzheimer’s easily. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease, but there are several medications that help in slowing it down. The only way to get rid of this disease is to stay happy, eat well, and be positive.
- Lower Respiratory Infections
This is an infection that affects your lungs and airways. This infection can be caused due to bronchitis, influenza, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. Mainstream viruses cause respiratory issues that can be caused due to bacteria. Frequent coughing is a strong indicator of someone suffering from a lower respiratory issue. However, you might also feel wheezing, chest pain, and breathlessness. In extreme cases, untreated respiratory issues can lead to severe breathing problems and even death. If you smoke frequently, have a flu, are suffering from HIV, are crowded by a lot of people all the time, have asthma and live in poor conditions, you are much likely to develop an infection like this. One of the best ways to keep away from such a problem is to get a flu shot yearly. Furthermore, if you’re suffering from pneumonia, it is better to get vaccinated.
- Heart Disease
This comes last in the list but is one that is acknowledged as the deadliest disease here. This disease is responsible for around 15% of worldwide deaths. It is commonly known as ischemic heart disease. People who have poor circulation of blood in the body often develop heart diseases. It can lead to chest pains, heart failure, and brain stroke. Luckily, the mortality rate because of heart strokes has gone down in Europe. A decrease in the death rate is because of frequent awareness, access to public healthcare, and good forms of prevention. There are several factors that play a strong role in improving a person’s life. So if you’re suffering from a heart condition, it is imperative to consult the doctor on time. People who develop heart disease early in life and don’t get treated are at a higher risk of dying soon. Heart disease is chronic and can cause many problems in life.
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