The primary motive of a web designer is to attract his targeted audience towards his website, just like any photographer would like to grab the attention of viewers towards his work.
Likewise, Before developing the desired layout of your website, you have to make sure that visitors can determine what your company/brand does. Look at the top 5 tips that will help you to create great websites:
The Layout Should Be Mobile Friendly
Make sure to optimise your site for mobile too. With the changing times and busy lifestyle, users want everything less time consuming and handy.
The number of smartphone users in the world is expected to pass five billion marks by 2019, according to Statista. Keeping in mind the above data, you can imagine that, usage of desktop and laptop is limited only to workplaces and big projects.
If the site layout is not adapting device screen sizes, the traffic will not sustain to your website.
Website Beginning Should Be In A Fascinating Manner
A good beginning is a key to grab audience’s attention, this is yet very important that the website’s beginning should provide all necessary features to the users. Some of the primary keys to start with the productive beginning:
- The purpose of your website.
- Provide a specific area to sign in or sign up options at the very beginning as per requirement.
- Clear vision to company/brand logo.
- Make it informational, but do not overdo it.
- You can add a theme that narrates your brand.
Do Not Go Out Of The Path
Have a constructive plan. Do not just start designing your website with less knowledge and awareness. Make sure to stick on the idea that is profitable for your business. Do not showcase irrelevant information in which the audience is not interested.
Pay attention to meet the customer’s expectation, considering what they wanted when they first visited your website. Make sure to meet the expectations of your audience, Let’s look for Web Design by Chelsea to get more ideas.
SEO Ranking Is Important
Understanding the buyer’s persona, take into consideration that is you developing a good SEO ranking for your website or not. To sustain the targeted audience to your website, it is essential for your website to be visible. Mark online presence of your site and get found by planning a good SEO strategy.
Social Sharing
You are only restricting your content if you are not putting social media icons to your website. At present, social media is a great platform, also a driving force to gain traffic.
You are just missing out the audience that you can quickly gain from social platforms. To make the broader reach, you can follow up by providing social media buttons on the top of your blog or website. They contain icons that allow you to share directly on social platforms as per your choice.
No individual is perfect; every one improves with their work each day. While designing web layout, do not get disappointed, if you make some mistakes. Have a zeal to learn and grow!
Implement new techniques and developments, and try to finish with satisfactory results.
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