Divorce is a big decision that deeply concerns the lives of two individuals. It is not easy to walk away from your life and start anew. Divorce is the only way to put an end to all the hassles and tussles of a hectic, uncompromising marriage. But just how complexed and tedious is divorce? Are there ways to make it easier? In this article, we will discuss how individuals are affected by the complicated nature of the divorce system and ways to simplify the process.
Online divorce is a blooming option for those who are not in favor of spending excess money on lawyers. It is a time-saving process where one will not have to sacrifice time from work and money they can’t afford to reconcile with their spouse. The website works in an easy manner, where one has to simply check his/her eligibility to file a divorce online. Although the online portals act as a time-saving and easy-to-use platform, there are some mistakes that need to be avoided when hiring an online divorce company to assist in preparing for your divorce.
Though online divorce provides a sense of automation to the divorce process, it is still essential to know how the divorce process works. Divorce is broken up into several stages:
Part 1: Initiating the divorce by preparing, signing, and filing the necessary divorce forms
Part 2: Spouses appearing in front of the court for recording statements
Part 3: Examination of the petition and documents by the court to verify the decision
Part 4: The court ordering a divorce decree ending the marriage
Online divorce sites like onlinedivorcenewyork.com primarily provide divorce document preparation services, helping you through the first part of the process. You will still have to follow up with the process to ensure that all disclosures have been filed and all deadlines are met.
The nature of the divorce depends on whether it is contested or not. An uncontested divorce is when both parties mutually consent to the divorce and all divorce-related issues.
In the cases of a contested divorce, there is a great need for a good divorce lawyer to protest your interests, especially with the division of property and child custody. Contested cases can be quite complicated and can take many hearings before all issues are resolved, making the divorce long and expensive.
In many cases, when it comes to an uncontested divorce, the divorce can be handled with the hassle of hiring a lawyer. If couples are in agreement about their divorce, the most challenging part becomes the paperwork. Online divorce services are perfect for uncontested cases as a way for couples to get divorce document preparation at a much lower price than using an attorney.
Therefore, make sure that you and your spouse discuss all contiguous issues and are ready to commit to an uncontested divorce before starting your online divorce.
Before paying any money to an online divorce service, make sure they are legit. Check out the company’s history and reviews. See what past customers have to say about the service. Unfortunately, many scammers are looking to take advantage of people online at every turn in this digital age. Respectable, reliable sites will walk you through the process before asking for any money. The best online divorce services all have the following sections in common:
It is a simple process where the website or application asks a few questions to check the client’s eligibility. The service needs to ensure that you meet your state’s residency requirements and know your spouse’s whereabouts.
Every divorce had unique circumstances, and the proper paperwork will depend on the details of your case. The online service will ask you to fill out a questionnaire regarding the marriage to ensure everything is done right. Questions will include the date and location of the wedding, contact and personal information about all parties involved, including children, and basic details about the divorce (properties, debts, custody, etc.) The section also requires information regarding who will act as the petitioner. (Note: Petitioner is the one who files the divorce case). Be prepared to answer questions about the division of property and debts, income sources, employment status, etc.
After completing the questionnaire, you’ll be asked to pay a service fee for the preparation of your divorce forms. After completing the payment (which is refundable if the court doesn’t accept your documents), the online divorce service selects and completes all the required documents for your case. The process usually takes around two days. Upon reviewing your paperwork, you’ll have the option to review all the papers before filing them with the court.
The last task is filing with the court. Make sure everything is signed and notarized correctly. Also, remember to make copies of all documents before filing. When you go to file at the court, you’ll be asked to pay a filing fee. Upon paying the fee, the court will accept your documents and stamp with a case number, officially starting the divorce process. If, for any reason, the documents are rejected, the online divorce service offers a refund.
To make the task of finding a reliable online divorce company easier, we conducted research of reviews and ratings and visited various sites to check out their services. Based on our assessments, we have come up with a list of trustworthy services that offer great advantages, including speed of operation, value for clients, ease of use, assistantship in legalities, and best explanation of the state laws.
- OnlineDivorce.com
- LegalZoom
- 3StepDivorce
- DivorceWriter
- CompleteCase.com
- Rocket Lawyer
- MyDivorcePapers.com
Based on the user ratings, LegalZoom provides users with overall satisfactory performance in terms of speed, value, simplicity, assistantship, and explanation of laws of the state. 3StepDivorce has been termed as the fastest processor of them all, while DivorceWriter provided better value for the clients. Completecase.com has been described as simple and reliable by the users. Rocket Lawyer and MyDivorcePapers.com provide a better sense of assistantship in legalities and a good explanation of the state laws.
This is the last mistake to avoid when it comes to opting for an online divorce web company. Many of us have friends who belong to the law fraternity. Everybody knows somebody who is a lawyer or knows a lawyer. Don’t hire a lawyer just because of their connections or familiarity. If you are going to seek legal help, go with somebody who is an expert in divorce law and proceedings.
There are lots of good reasons to use an attorney’s services, even in an uncontested case. Consultation with the real lawyers can help avoid the potential fatalities regarding scams and information leaks to the internet by the user themselves. Moreover, it also provides some time for reconciliation if some issues stand in the way. Crosschecking can avoid some future errors by reviewing all the paperwork before filing. By micromanaging the lawyer’s role to just the most essential tasks, you can keep the legal fees down and ensure your divorce’s success.
It is estimated that clients can save up to $2000 using online divorce portals instead of lawyers for paperwork preparation. Most of the portals also have the provision of refunds on the court’s disapproval for the divorce. The processes are easy to follow, and the website is very user-friendly. Many of the websites also provide excellent customer support just in case users have any questions during the process. The service can be used on any device (phone, tablet, computer), and anywhere you have an internet connection. Online divorce really has made it much easier to obtain a divorce.
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