Top 5 Exercises for Your Quick Tennis Elbow Recovery

Top 5 Exercises for Your Quick Tennis Elbow Recovery

Maybe you didn’t pick a tennis racquet once in your life. But, that doesn’t stop you from getting a tennis elbow. The name of the condition may sound deceiving, but, it’s a medical state that can hit any person.

That’s mostly because this medical problem doesn’t have anything to do with tennis. It’s a matter of swollen tendons.

What is Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a medical state caused by inflammation of the muscles in the forearm that attach to the elbow. Put in layman’s terms, it means you have swollen tendons in your arm,

This inflammation leads to pain in the outer elbow and the forearm. If not treated, the medical state may lead to greater problems such as the inability to properly utilize the wrist, forearm and elbow area.

The tennis elbow is common for people who do sports, or are manual labor workers. The state develops through constant and repetitive motion such as gripping and turning the wrist (the screwdriver motion).

Tennis Elbow Prevention

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Yet, there are different ways you can prevent this state. However, whichever method you choose to use as a prevention, make sure you contact a doctor first.

Prevention serves to ease and alleviate the pains so you can continue doing sports or perform at work. However, if you continue to feel the pain even after prevention, you should contact the doctor straight away.

Tennis Elbow Brace

Tennis elbow strap is a quick way to improve your medical state. The strap presses the tendons and painful area, compresses the pain, and help you continue with work or training. It’s made of quality material, and it’s easy to use since you are attaching it with velcro straps.

Still, prevention sometimes isn’t enough. You need to visit a doctor and get proper treatment.


The most used preventive method for sportsmen in existence. It stands for rest, isolate, cool, and elevate. Basically, what you are going to do is to use your arm as less as possible, use a cooling aid on the painful spot, and put it on the edge of the sofa for example. It should stop the pains.


Depending on your geographical location, you can get different pain-stopping pills. Such medication may help you with prevention, as to stop the pains while you are working or while you are training. However, don’t abuse the medication, and visit the doctor.

Tennis Elbow Physical Therapy

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Physical recovery is the most recommended way to deal with the tennis elbow. Practicing the strained area will help you to reduce the swollenness of the forearm.

The goal of physical therapy is to improve the flexibility and strength of the forearm muscles. Additionally, physical therapy improves blood flow to tendons, which improves the healing capacity of the muscles.

If you stick to the physical therapy you won’t suffer the state again. The only thing you need is a small weight and a squeezing ball.

And, if you can’t get a weight or a ball, you can still use other things you have at your home. So, these are the exercise you can use to help yourself.

Wrist Turn

Wrist turn is a basic exercise you can do to elevate forearm pain. It’s a rather simple exercise that requires no equipment. And, you can do it at any time you feel your forearms are sore.

To perform a wrist turn do the following:

  • Bend the elbow at a right angle (90-degree angle)
  • Extend the hand outwards, palm facing up
  • Twist the hand until the palm faces down
  • Hold the position for five seconds
  • Repeat nine times (make nine rotation that last for five seconds)
  • Do two additional sets of 10 repetitions

If you feel comfortable with this exercise, you can try to use weights. However, don’t rush it, keep it steady and don’t force your muscles.

Wrist Lift Palm Up

Next, comes the wrist lift palm up. It may sound like a more complicated exercise, but it isn’t. To perform it you need a weight, like a small dumbbell or a can of food.

To perform a wrist lift palm up do the following:

  • Grip a light weight
  • Bend the elbow at a right angle (90-degree angle)
  • Extend the hand, palm facing upwards
  • Bend the wrist up towards the body
  • Hold this position for five seconds, then release slowly
  • Repeat nine more times
  • Do two additional sets of 10 repetitions

If you have a strong pain your elbow or forearm, don’t force yourself. Keep steady with this exercise and you’ll feel better in no time.

Elbow Bend

The elbow bend is a great exercise, especially for its simplicity. You don’t need any equipment to do it. And, the best of all, it’s so easy to do it, and it will give you massive benefits.

To perform an elbow bend do the following:

  • Stand straight
  • Lower the arm to one side
  • Slowly bend the arm upwards until your fingers reach the shoulder
  • Hold this position 15 to 30 seconds
  • Repeat nine more times

You should do this exercise on the regular to improve the flexibility of elbows and arms.

Wrist Extensor Stretch

This exercise is a great way to test your basic flexibility. It’s rather basic and you can do it anytime, anywhere.

To perform a wrist extensor stretch do the following:

  • Raise the arm straight out in front of the body
  • with the palm facing down, slowly bend the wrist downwards
  • using the other hand, gently pull the stretching hand back towards the body
  • hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds
  • straighten the wrist again
  • repeat twice
  • do two more sets of 3 repetitions

Try to do this at any time you feel your hands, forearms or elbows sore.

Ball Squeeze

Finally, there’s the ball squeeze. What you need is a regular gumball, which is resistant. This exercise is great to relieve tension and improve the flexibility of your forearms.

To perform a ball squeeze do the following:

  • Hold a ball in your hand and squeeze
  • Hold the squeeze for approximately 25 seconds
  • Release
  • Repeat three times a day

If this is too rough for you, try to do it with a softer ball, or a sponge.

Take Your Time

And, there you have it. These are the exercise you can do to reduce the soreness and pain of the tennis elbow.

However, if you try this at home, and don’t feel the results, then you should visit a doctor. Prevention is possible at an early state. For all other things and problems, you must visit a professional.