Top 3 Home Décor Trends For 2020

Top 3 Home Décor Trends For 2020

Aside from buying a car, buying a house is one of the most expensive and important investments you’ll make in your life. You need to prepare a huge amount of money to afford buying a house and pay all of your moving expenses. You need to choose a house that fits your budget and lifestyle and goes through several moving companies and piano movers to ensure that you can start living in your new house.

However, the resources you spent on buying a house and moving to a new residence will be useless if the space doesn’t feel like home. As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining the appearance and ambiance of your home to ensure that the space is inviting and comfortable to you and your family.

If you’re looking for unique and effective strategies to transform your home, consider the following home décor trends for 2020:

  1. More is more

Home Décor Trends

Unless you have been living in a cave for years, you’d know that minimalism is one of the most preferred interior design by homeowners across the world. Its simplicity allows homeowners to play around with their space, and save a couple of dollars while they’re doing it.

But in 2020, things will change. Although minimalism is still an acceptable interior design, more and more people are now choosing to do more with their homes. By 2020, expect to see homes that have more texture and patterns. This trend is the complete opposite of minimalism.

If minimalism is characterized by placing lesser patterns in a room, 2020 will welcome combinations to patterns. You can use floral prints in your walls, and then animal prints in your carpets. As long as these items contain similar color schemes, pulling off this home décor trend will become a breeze!

  1. Natural design

Adding plants inside a house is no longer new. Aside from adding a pop of color to any space, plants can also improve the air quality indoors and boost the occupant’s mood. However, if the plants were merely used as accessories inside homes in the past, 2020 will encourage homeowners to use plants and other greeneries as the focal point of their interiors.

Instead of placing a pot of succulent in your home’s receiving area, adding seat furnishings with plants placed on it is a better option for 2020. Placing gardens in your shower walls or ceilings of your living area are great options, too.

For a simpler take on a natural design, you can swap plain-colored walls to floral wallpapers. Aside from being cheap, adding printed wallpapers can make the space more interesting.

  1. Black and white combinations

Home Décor Trends 1

Decorating your own house can be a fun and exciting experience. But on the other side of the coin, the opportunity of transforming this space into your preferred design can cause pressure. With the number of interior designs to choose from, you’ll see yourself swimming in a vast sea of options.

To make this process easier, and successfully hop into the hottest décor trends in 2020, stick to using black and white combinations inside your home. Investing in fixtures and appliances that come in these colors can make your home feel elegant and luxurious.

Black and white are two of the simplest hues in the color wheels, and seeing these in your home won’t cause your brain to stress out. The simplicity of these colors will make it easy for your brain to process its appearance and sensation.

If you don’t want your home’s interior to look too dull, add decors that come in loud colors. For a kitchen that has white countertops, and black cabinets, gold-colored lighting and plumbing fixtures can add color to the space.

Cleanliness Matters

You’ll never run out of options when it comes to home décor trends for 2020. Aside from this article, you can also expand your options by using other resources such as the internet and print materials.

But regardless of the home décor trend you choose to copy, it’s also important that you strive to maintain the cleanliness of your home. A cluttered space can only trigger stress, making it hard for you and your family to fully enjoy a new home.