Not knowing what your future holds can feel like a disadvantage when you’re under the impression that everyone else has everything “mapped out.” The truth is, nobody’s life is fully planned out to the tee because there are always unexpected curve balls and adjustments that need to be made along the way. The blank canvas of tomorrow is very much a double-edged sword, providing the opportunity for success as well as the possibility of failure. However, what you do with your skills and talents today will define the professional that you become in the near future, and the best part about that future is that you can change it right now in the present.
As a business owner, you should always be ready to take the help of contractor accountants to abide by financial rules and regulations effectively. Since you need extensive knowledge about financial rules and regulations to run your business smoothly, it’s better to rely on professionals who deal with those things.
With that said, here are 10 powerful skill sets you can start working on now in order to build a better career regardless of your occupation or industry.
1. Project Management
If you can manage a project, you can manage a business – it’s really as simple as that. Even if you’re not in charge of the entire company, having the ability to lead teams and spearhead projects will make you eligible for higher paying positions within any corporate hierarchy. The fastest way to become a wizard in project management would be to take a project management training course. Adding this to your resume will make you a more appealing candidate for management level jobs that require leadership and organizational skills. You can review project management training online using course directories like findcourses.
2. Communication
Mastering the art and science of communication in the workplace will help you become a better speaker, interviewee, co-worker, and leader. It’s a skill that helps you along literally every step of the corporate ladder. From the time you apply for the job to the day you retire, you will be using communication in one form of another, whether it’s with customers and clients directly or with company management and investors. You will have to communicate with someone at some point, so aside from project management, communication is easily the second most important skill to develop in the world of business.
3. Marketing & Advertising
It really doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what kind of business you’re working for, marketing and advertising skills are almost always the key to making sales, getting new customers, and building a brand. Whether you’re selling products or services, online or offline, the ability to create positive brand exposure is a core superpower behind the rise of all successful entrepreneurial endeavors. The fact that every large company has a marketing branch is proof that this pivotal skill set will always be in high demand.
4. Search Engine Optimization & Blogging
Some would consider search engine optimization (SEO) and blogging to be online marketing methods, and while that is true, they still deserve a separate mention apart from the general practice of marketing & advertising, as they’re actually a specific subset of tasks that require a certain level of specialized skill. In other words, due to the popularity and necessity of outsourcing, there are many high-level marketers who can’t personally build and author an impressive blog because they’ve been delegating those tasks to blogging or SEO specialists.
Learning how to maintain a blog and practice precise SEO yourself will give you leverage that can be used to further your own entrepreneurial efforts by facilitating higher rankings in Google. You can also offer up blogging and SEO services on a freelance basis, so this skill set provides the possibility of an additional independent revenue stream as well as a shiny star on your corporate resume.
5. App and Web Development
The ability to develop an impressive and highly functional app or website is another superpower that is relatively rare in the world of business. As of 2018, it’s estimated there are almost 20 million software developers in the world, which means that a tiny minority of only about 0.27% of Earth’s approximate population of 7.3 billion is capable of coding software. Furthermore, only about 60% of them are skilled in mobile app development. Thus, becoming a skilled developer makes you a gem to any company and it gives you the advantage of being able to set up shop online without having to pay for third-party web design or app development services.
6. Negotiation
Being able to negotiate can take you far in business because you’ll know how to make decisions and strike deals that are beneficial. While a degree in negotiations would typically be geared towards people who want to pursue a career in conflict resolution and law enforcement, the study of business negotiations can be incredibly beneficial for a burgeoning professional who is looking to bolster their abilities in preparation for a fruitful career.
7. Financial Management
Every business needs money managers and accountants, and since business is essentially defined by the handling and investment of funds, a competent and credentialed financial specialist can always find a job somewhere. Of course, as a financial management specialist or accountant, you’ll also have the advantage of being more knowledgeable about personal finance which can lead to better credit management and investing practices.
8. Networking and Sociability
Networking ties into marketing and communication, so this skill set is very compatible with those areas of study. However, there is a distinguishable line between being able to communicate when called upon and being able to approach and create relationships with new people. Although there are courses that can help you become a better networker, becoming more sociable is something you’ll have to work on in the self-improvement and personality area of your life, which often intersects with business skills.
9. Data Analysis Capabilities
Data analysis is another powerful and relatively rare skill that has a special place in every large corporation. Most of the work involves using software to analyze data and deduce insight based on analysis reports. Data analysts can play a very influential role during company meetings and conferences by presenting their findings, providing projections, and offering suggestions on how the company can improve key metrics.
10. Customer Service
Finally, another catch-all skill set that will instantly put you in a good position to get a job anywhere would be customer service experience. Having this attribute on your resume will make you a very hirable candidate throughout the retail and services sector or in any business where you’ll be dealing with customers or clients. Plus, customer service courses are relatively simple and can be completed within weeks of training time, so it makes sense to add this to your arsenal as a final career building measure.
11. Is it Really Feasible for One Person to Develop All of These Skills Sets?
While it might seem as though it would take decades to learn every capability discussed in this guide, you really don’t have to become a master in every single area to become a highly effective employee and/or entrepreneur. Just start by picking 2-3 of the above skill sets and work on those until you have a thorough understanding of them. Preferably, you’ll want to earn a degree or other credential type in at least 1 skill category. Getting past that initial step should only take 1-2 years, at which point you’ll be ready to explore the other 7-8 remaining skill sets just waiting to be developed.
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