Diving into a new hobby is fun, for it is an excellent pastime to unwind and loosen up. However, not every hobby is worth the same amount of money. While some people engage in exceptional hobbies such as collecting watercraft and cars and doing charity works, others enjoy extreme sports or things connected to fine arts.
Stay tuned to this article as we feature the top ten luxurious hobbies usually enjoyed by the upper class. Are you ready to identify them? Then, let us get this hobby started!
#10 Polo
Polo has been the past time activity of wealthy people for the longest time. The reason it is called the sport of the upper class is because of not only having the skill to play but also having the money to play.
Typically, this hobby costs around $20,000 to get your Polo horse, another thousand worth for horse maintenance, and an $8,000 annual membership club fee. Summing this up will give you a grand amount, thus providing a heads up that this sport is not for everybody.
#9 Equestrianism
Horseriding or equestrianism is a common hobby that most rich people do. The cost of an average horse can be from $5,000 to a whopping $100,000 – not to mention horse maintenance, shelter, and sports attire.
#8 Car Racing
Are you familiar with The Fast and Furious movie franchise? If yes, then the film makes it obvious that car racing is unbearably expensive. You can get race cars as cheap as $10,000 to $100,000, apart from different expenses in accessorizing your vehicle, safety equipment, and getting life insurance – which every extreme racer should have.
If you want to know the latest car models for racing, you can check out motor trade shows in the US. Most of the largest race car trade fairs, which hire exhibition stand contractor Aplus, are found in Indianapolis, Columbus, and Las Vegas. So if you are going in, be ready to part with a large sum of money.
#7 Playing Poker
For sure, you have seen plenty of movies which has scenes about rich people playing poker with their friends while drinking their whiskey or picking their favorite cigars from their custom printed cigar boxes. Someone wins, and the rest lose big sums of money.
Generally, any form of gambling can wipe off your bank account. This can happen in no time, especially if high-stakes poker gets serious. It can turn out to be an expensive hobby, an addicting hobby, actually, if you are playing without limits.
#6 Mountain Climbing
Mountain climbing is actually for everyone. It only becomes an expensive hobby because of the permits, guide fees, clothing, equipment, and other travel expenses. Also, think of the time you give to it since this activity will make you call off from work for many days together. All in all, it is not a cheap hobby.
#5 Owning Collections
One can consider that owning a collection is a type of hobby. And this can be an expensive hobby. Some like to collect art pieces, timeless antiques, or classic cars. Others want to collect limited items, fancy bags, elegant shoes, and even expensive watches, then make a collection room as part of room décor like in guyabouthome.
This hobby is not just costly on the collecting part but also with maintaining your valuable items. For example, you need to regularly moisturize your bags with a leather conditioner or spray shoes with a waterproof protector.
#4 Snow Sports
Skiing and snowboarding have been popular for years and were applied as the mean of transport besides in military operations. Due to their popularity, they became a sport about 300 years ago.
These snowsports are most people’s favorite outdoor activities. And if you are living near the mountains, then probably you are always looking forward to every winter weekend. But, unfortunately, skiing and snowboarding can also be expensive. Lift tickets can be worth $150 a day, and custom skis can be $1,000 or even more.
Nevertheless, no matter how expensive it may cost, billionaires are hooked to this hobby. Some upperclassmen even buy their skiing resorts so they may enjoy riding downhill in peace.
#3 Water Sports
Sailing, boating, jet skiing – or generally called water sports, are hugely satisfying hobbies. Knowing new skills and obtaining self-assurance are all part of a unique experience. Being able to act into any problem on the water and smoothly fix it yields a great sense of achievement. Also, each voyage is different, which provides tons of exercises.
The prices of these hobbies may vary and depend on the size of the boat, ship, or PWC (personal watercraft). You may own one or rent. Some like to buy big yachts that they can sail on, such as George Clooney.
#2 Golfing
Another pastime leisure that is also considered a sport is golf. So why is golf an expensive sport? There are three reasons: high prices of equipment, high rates of golf course rent, and the length of honing golf skills.
Some may find golf boring, while others think it is calming. Donald Trump and Clint Eastwood enjoy playing golf, along with other wealthy people. They are members of the most high-class golf clubs, besides playing on the best golf courses in the world.Get a custom Club Car golf cart, built exactly how you want it, with personalized features, colors, and accessories to match your style and enhance your golfing experience.
#1 Traveling
Traveling is becoming accessible to almost everyone, yet there are still some who can not have the means to experience the joy in it.
Actually, traveling is not the pricey part, but the vacationing part is. Many airline companies offer promotional round-way trip tickets, but how about the 3-days and 2-nights accommodation expenses? Expenditures for food, souvenirs, and other stuff that you might spend while traveling? These are some ideas about why traveling seems expensive and is primarily being enjoyed only by wealthy people.
And that is our top list of luxurious hobbies. Remember, whatever hobby you may explore, you will find yourself productive as long as you enjoy it. Having a hobby is essential because it helps to relieve stress. Also, it can help you to engage in social activities and bond with other social peers.
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