Every homeowner needs to know what tools and equipment must be available in their homes in case an emergency DIY home repair is needed. Not at all times do we have the benefit of having a home repair service nearby.
Here are the tools every homeowner must have:
It is one of the basic tools you will need in your DIY home repairs and probably even one of the most important ones you’ll need.
If you want to be the perfect handyman or handywoman, you’ll need a hammer. This is because majority of the time, you’ll be driving nails and powering through wood and scrap. Hammers are very handy, useful tools, and without them, broken fences and loose cabinet doors can be a nightmare.
If you’ll look around your home, you’ll probably realize that screws are what hold your stuff together… or not. Well, now you know! Screws keep all your furniture in place and your family safe (most importantly). This is the reason why having a screwdriver is very important during times of unforeseen loose screws.
Here is one important reminder!
There are more than ten types of screwdrivers varying in sizes and tips used for particular screws. To name a few, we have the Robertson, Frearson, Pozidriv, Supadriv, Hex and a lot more. If you’re having trouble tightening or removing a screw, you’re probably using the wrong tool.
The good news is that you’ll mostly need just two types of screwdrivers, Phillips and the flat head screwdriver. These are the two most common types of screwdrivers used in almost all furniture and appliances.
Tape Measure
DIY home repairs sometimes require some measuring to correctly do the job and avoid slip-ups that can cause accidents and prepped lumber two inches short. Having a tape measure in hand makes sure your efforts won’t go to waste and any finished work is always polished and perfect just how a handyman would do it.
A tape measure is used to measure long distances and uneven surfaces. As you know, tape measures are flexible measuring devices that allow bumpy adjustments, unlike hard traditional rulers.
Creative ways of measuring can be done during DIY home repairs, like pacing or using the distance of each of your stride multiplied by the steps you’ve taken to equal the distance which you’ve covered. You can also be unorthodox and try using a flimsy newspaper’s length as the standard of your measurement. These methods work but will not be as accurate as using a regular tape measure.
This is one of the most convenient tools in the market. Pliers serve a lot of purposes and they can be effective in a lot of situations not only during DIY home repairs. They are used in electronics, construction, plumbing and even in the kitchen for cracking crab claws open.
Having said all that, I believe that you now know how important pliers are especially for a homeowner, like you. You’ll be needing them to twist wires, cut wires and tighten screws. They are also used as tongs to hold objects firmly in place. At times, they can also be used to skin electrical wirings with a minimum amount of skill.
Just like screwdrivers, pliers do belong in a large family consisting of more than 10 types. However, having slip-joint pliers or needle-nosed pliers is enough for DIY home repairs.
Power Tools
Now in a more modern age, power tools have taken the place of traditional hand-held instruments, like the hammer, screwdriver and the like. You are not obliged to have them in your homes, but they are very advisable to have.
Here are a few that may come in handy during your DIY home repairs:
Welding Machine
There are parts in our homes that are welded together such as metal fences, metal cabinets and almost anything metal. Having a welding machine available can help you repair damaged metal parts efficiently since any other solutions frequently are only temporary fixes. Make sure that you invest your money in the best welding machine. Look for 6 great choices that will save you a lot of welding services that are not cheap at all.
One thing that you must remember is that welding needs proper professional advice and gear. Without any welding experience, proper guidance is vital.
Power Drill
Screws play a big part in every handiwork and having to use a screwdriver for every screw may take a lot of time and energy. A power drill is very useful in these situations. It does the same exact thing a screwdriver does but only requiring minimal effort and less time to fasten a screw.
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