Worried about making it to MBA at Symbiosis? Prepare well for Symbiosis National Aptitude (SNAP) which is one of the popular entrance tests for management education in India. MBA aspirants targeting 2019 admission, gear up your preparations for the entrance test in full swing now. Here are some tips to score well in SNAP 2018.
Your key to success in SNAP is constant and repeated practice in a timed environment. Solving sample papers within a specified time can help you improve speed and accuracy. Brush up your basics of Quantitative Ability. Develop a reading habit to score well in the reading comprehension section. Read newspapers and magazine articles to develop your vocabulary and general awareness. Solve puzzles to hone your reasoning skills.
Your preparation should involve following a structured study plan, targeting speed and accuracy, studying the right reference material, practising sample paper, and last but not the least, self-care.
Structured Study Plan will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of topics to be covered and schedule each topic for maximum preparation. Make sure you study for each section every day. Brushing the basics would help you pick up shortcuts and tricks. Practising more will get you in a position to identify which questions you should tackle head on and which ones to leave. To score well you need not attempt all the questions but, solve the ones you are sure of in the limited span of time.
Speed and accuracy are of utmost importance when attempting an entrance test where you have to answer the maximum questions correctly within very limited time. In SNAP, you get less than a minute per question and each wrong answer will cost you 0.25 mark. So you cannot afford to waste either time or be incorrect. As such it is important to maintain speed in attempting sample papers while being accurate in the answers.
You need to study the right Reference Materials that covers the test syllabus for the chosen subject.
Practice makes perfect, and it is indeed so. The more you practice sample papers/mock tests, the better chances you have, to score higher in SNAP. Mock tests will give you a measure of your preparation and help you identify your weaknesses and strengths on the basis of which you can strategize. Unless you analyze your performance, you wouldn’t know where you need to improve or where your preparation is up to the mark and how much time to allocate to which section.
In the anxiety to prepare well for the test, do not forget to take care of your health. It is important that you care for your health, both physical and mental, as a healthy body and a calm mind will help you to concentrate and thus perform better in the test.
Overall, your test preparation should make you manage time effectively, help identify your strengths and weaknesses and strategize accordingly, and prioritize the questions you can answer with a judicious mix of speed and accuracy.
The SNAP test is conducted in the online mode and the paper is split into Quantitative Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency, General English, Analytical & Logical Reasoning, and General Awareness sections. There are 150 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each to be attempted in 120 minutes. SNAP has provision for negative marking at the rate of -1/4 mark for each incorrect answer. Below given are the preparation tips required for each section, how many questions when attempted correct will make a good attempt and scope of topics under each section.
Section | Scope | Good Attempt | Prep Tips |
Quantitative Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency | Quantitative Ability, as per trends is heavy on Arithmetic covering topics like Time and Work, Mixtures and Alligations, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Time and Distance, Averages and Profit & Loss. Questions on Mensuration are also regular in SNAP. | 24-28 questions in about 40 minutes | Brush up the basics with Class 9-10 NCERT Math books.
Practice fast calculations with tables, squares, cubes and decimal-fraction conversions.
General English | General English section in SNAP will test vocabulary, understanding of basic grammar rules and reading comprehension. | 29-30 questions within 30 minutes. | Read news articles and editorials to develop comprehending skills and vocabulary as well.
Make a good dictionary your Bible. Learn a minimum of 20-30 words daily, along with their multiple usages. |
Analytical & Logical Reasoning | Analytical & Logical Reasoning features questions mostly based on critical reasoning, deductive logic, analogies, logical reasoning sets, series, visual reasoning, arrangement, blood relations and puzzles. | 20+ answers in about 30 minutes | Practicing different types of reasoning problems over and over again is the only way to perfect this section. |
General Awareness | According to SNAP guidelines, questions revolving around current affairs from the last 2 years will be asked in the test apart from general static GK. | 15-20 questions in 10 minutes.
Browse through news items and related magazines from the last two years and read up the details thoroughly. |
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