Tips for Moving Heavy Furniture

Tips for Moving Heavy Furniture

Whether you are moving your furniture into a self-storage unit or to another room, safe transportation is hard. This is because moving heavy furniture can lead to back injuries, knee injuries, and furniture damage. To reduce clutter and minimize damage, you should follow these tips:

Wrap Furniture Properly

Your furniture can sustain damage during transit, so you should wrap it carefully to prevent this. You do not want to have to buy new furniture because you were not careful during the moving process.

Here are some supplies for protecting furniture:

Covers – you need to add an extra layer of protection to keep your furniture from getting scratches during the move.

Corrugated cartons – you can use these cartons to protect the edges of your furniture from chipping and to stabilize the pieces.

Packing paper – you can use packing paper to protect your fragile furniture from breaking and shattering.

Bubble wrap – if you can find some bubble wrap, you will be able to protect delicate furniture pieces because this material absorbs shock.

Use Moving Truck Valet Service

This service offers convenience because the movers will come to your home to load the furniture. When choosing a service provider, you need to specify the exact time that you want your furniture to be moved. You also need to consider the following additional fees:

  • Insurance
  • Gas
  • Security deposit
  • Mileage

When thinking about using a self-storage unit, you need to look into facilities that provide free valet services. This way, you will not spend more than you have to spend.

Hire Professional Movers

Moving Heavy Furniture 1

When moving your own furniture, you need to be wary of damage and injury. You can eliminate the possibility of injuring yourself by hiring movers such as removalist Sydney based experts. Professional movers are qualified to pack and transport heavy furniture.

To ensure that you find the right movers for your needs, you should conduct a thorough background search on the company. Before choosing professional movers, you should research the following:

  • The company’s reputation and historical success
  • Whether they are licensed and insured to work in your state
  • The rates of the company
  • Whether the company understands how you want them to handle your belongings

Follow Best Practices for Moving

If you cannot afford to hire professional movers, you should follow these tips when moving your own furniture:

  • You should take apart as much as possible to make the furniture easier to carry. This means that you need to deconstruct furniture by taking out drawers to make the load lighter.
  • Use the high low method, which means that you should have two people at the top and bottom of the furniture.
  • You should buy furniture slides to avoid lifting heavy furniture, which can result in back injuries.
  • You need to know where you want your furniture to be put to make for a seamless and organized moving process.
  • Use lifting straps to avoid putting all the weight on your knees and back when lifting furniture.
  • Use a shoulder dolly that relies on your large muscle groups when lifting heavy objects.

Use a Climate-controlled Unit

When storing in a storage-unit, you should make sure that it is climate-controlled. This is because wooden furniture warps, bends, and rots due to moisture exposure. A climate-controlled unit will preserve the quality of your pieces all year round.


Moving heavy furniture is not an easy task. For this reason, you need to plan ahead to avoid last minute decisions, which might lead to injuries and furniture damage. The above tips will come in handy when moving heavy furniture.