Tips for Companies That Want to Be More Environmentally-Friendly

Tips for Companies That Want to Be More Environmentally-Friendly

Environmentalism is a goal that has expanded beyond the home. Now, companies and corporations are trying to implement more eco-friendly and sustainable practices into their work models. Ambitious companies that want to be a part of the progressive movement should consider these tips for going green: 

Use Suppliers That Also Care About The Cause

One of the smartest ways to make a business environmentally-friendly is to procure supplies from a company that incorporates sustainable and environmentally-conscious practices. A supplier could have greener packaging options, where they use recyclable materials or smart packing methods to reduce the amount of waste created by delivery. Something as small as using biodegradable packing peanuts makes a significant difference.

Companies that need paints and coatings should start looking for a chemical solvent supplier that carries greener alternatives to popular options filled with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). An ideal supplier will have options for Low-VOC and VOC-exempt solvents. Eliminating VOCs in paint and coatings will automatically improve the air quality, reducing your company’s environmental impact. 


Build An Energy-Efficient Office Space

You may not have the time or the budget to redesign the entire building, but you can still make the office space more environmentally-friendly with smaller changes. One idea is to swap out any incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient lighting options like compact fluorescent bulbs or light-emitting diode bulbs. CFL bulbs can use up to 50 to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, while LEDs use 25 to 85% less.

After switching out the lighting options, you can opt for other energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, air purifiers, printers and more.

Encouraging Employees To Take Part

You want your company’s staff to practice eco-friendliness, not just sit in a green office. Encouraging this mentality will lead to excitement for greener changes. Maybe they will come up with suggestions that leading staff members never considered before like Earth Day celebrations or zero-waste competitions.

 If you want to inspire employees to join in on the environmentally-friendly initiative, here are some ideas that you could implement:

  • Have recycling bins in easy-to-see locations
  • Have a water fountain to dissuade bottled water purchases
  • Have reusable mugs, cutlery and dishware available in the kitchenette
  • Offer coffee, tea and beverage options to discourage to-go cups
  • Reduce paper-use by relying primarily on online updates, messages and presentations
  • Encourage green challenges every month with incentives like prizes
  • Offer deals or discounts for public transit commuting
  • Create an office-wide carpooling program
  • Set up a going-green suggestion box for additional input

 The first step to creating an environmentally-friendly company is to get suppliers that have greener products, services and delivery methods than the ones you are currently using. The second is to change the office into an energy-efficient space. And finally, after accomplishing both of those ambitious goals, you need to spur staff members to get involved.

When companies cover all of these factors, they are bound to shrink their carbon footprints and reduce any negative form of environmental impact. Better yet, they can push other companies to follow in their footsteps.