We should be aware of the fact that out of 10000 diamonds only one comes with natural color and therefore they are the ones to be referred to as colored diamonds. That is the reason there is a big demand for colored diamonds. They are bought and used mostly for the distribution and intensity of the diamond’s color. If you are planning to buy colored diamonds including the much sought after chocolate diamonds, here are a few important tips and points which you must bear in mind.
This is perhaps the most important consideration when you are investing thousands of dollars on a colored diamond. You have to do your research thoroughly and then get started. To begin with you must be sure that the diamond which you are planning to buy is natural and not synthetic. Quite a bit of technological inputs are being tried out these days and ordinary looking and dull colored diamonds are being made to look better and deeper by using irradiation and other techniques. Hence, it is important to stay away from such types of colored diamonds. You must look for natural diamonds certified by GIA as far as their originality is concerned. The must possess natural colors and putting it through some testing processes will be enough for you to find out the difference between the original and synthetic ones. Hence you must give color the importance which it deserves failing which you will end up making the wrong choice.
Carat or weight is another vital aspect to be considered when you are paying money for colored diamonds. It could have an impact on its pricing. When the diamonds are mined, mostly the miners are able to come across only small ones and large gems are few and far between. Hence, it is quite obvious that the large sized diamond colored stones is considered to be more valuable and therefore is more expensive. That is the reason why there is a huge demand for large sized colored diamond stones. The larger the weight the higher will be the prices and this point should always be kept in mind when it comes to buying these colored diamonds.
Clarity is not so very important because of the very nature of these colored diamonds. Clarity is used to find out the clearness and lack of intrusion as far as these diamond stones are concerned. However, when the diamond has thick hue and color, it would not be possible to identify the intrusions and therefore you may not be in a position to get the right information about the clarity.
Cutting is also important as far as colored diamonds are concerned. This is done to emphasize the color of the diamonds. This is quite different when compared to colorless diamonds. These are cut to maximize brilliance or sparkle. This could sometimes detract the customers from the natural color of the diamond. If you still come across colored diamonds which are also brilliant, you can be sure that it is brilliant in spite of it being cut keeping in mind the importance of color.
Shape is all about the overall outline of the diamond as you look at it from the top. It could be marquise, princess, round and so on. Many colored diamonds are cut using non-traditional shapes with the main intention of enhancing their natural color. Because the colored diamonds are very rare in occurrence, it may not be possible to have a certain shape for these diamonds. You may at times not find the same shape of two different colored diamonds, especially if they are fully natural and original.
Importance Of Certification
Further all quality diamonds should be independently certified and okayed by GIA or Gemological Institute Of America. They are considered to be one of the most respected diamond testing and certification laboratories in the world today. Each of the certified color diamond comes with a color identification report and the origin of the diamond. It also talks about the grade, and therefore you can easily make out whether the diamond is original or synthetic in nature.
Therefore at the end of the day, there are many important factors which must be kept in mind when you are planning to select the right colored diamond.
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