Having a pool in the backyard is a luxury that you can flex to your friends and family. You can arrange pool parties on the weekends, but maintaining it is not as luxurious as soaking in the sun, floating in the pool. It involves constant checks and maintenance so you can keep enjoying your parties.
Two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen
Water covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, but it comprises 100% of your pools. It is important to keep it clean and fresh, avoid algae, mineral build-up, contaminants, dirt, and dangerous bacteria. The murkiness in the pool due to bacteria can be removed by shocking. Shocking will increase pools’ chlorine levels to kill unwanted entities.
Filter out the Junk
The best way to get rid of dirt and debris is to use a filter. Empty it after every week and discard the insides to keep things clean. However, one thing that filters cannot clean are oils like tan lotion, sunscreen, and natural body oils. To remove that simply throw a tennis ball and its extensive fibers can entangle the oil and remove it from the water. An old pantyhose can also be used as a filter to trap fine small particles.
Chemical Concentration
Chemicals are hazardous and are to be kept in a balanced and safe range. They can irritate the skin and eyes, and they might even cause infections. Chlorine is a sanitizer that protects against harmful microorganisms and hazardous elements. You should test the water weekly to maintain its level.
Scrub the Spots Away
Scrubbing is a necessary part of making the pool clean. Spots of water splashes on the floor and walls and algae build-up can disturb the view. You have to scrub regularly to avoid stubborn smudges. If the simple scrubbing doesn’t work; you can fill an old glove or stock it with Chlorine. Then put it on the spot for some time, and scrub it after. Shaving cream can also decrease the amount of scrubbing needed to remove the stain. Just spread the shaving cream on the spot and clean it after some time.
Use a vacuum
Your pool deck and bottom are as important to clean as the actual pool. They make the pool attractive if they are tidy and neat. You can either use a power wash with a strong pump to remove the stubborn layers of dust or a cleaning brush with strong fibers to scrape off the mud and spots to make it bright and shiny.
You can also use vacuum suction and filters to clean the bottom of the pool efficiently. However, if you don’t have any of these then don’t worry. If you didn’t know, cleaning the bottom of your pool without a vacuum is still possible, and there are a few easy tips and tricks you can do to get the job done.
Final words
Cleaning a pool is not only necessary for visual aesthetics but is also mandatory for your health. Therefore, we’ll suggest cleaning it thoroughly with care.
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