Tips and Tricks for Road Tripping with Young Children

Tips and Tricks for Road Tripping with Young Children

Driving out on the open road is one of the most exciting ways to travel. You have the freedom to go where you want, stop where you want, and see the beautiful views as you zoom by.

But, long road trips with kids can look a little bit different.

Instead of the wind blowing through your hair, you have crayons flying in your face. The nicely spaced stops turn into frequent bathroom breaks. And the epic road trip tunes are drowned out by the never-ending “Are we there yet?”

While this seems like a nightmare, there are ways to avoid this. If you are prepared, road tripping with the whole family can be a whole lot of fun!

We’ve gathered the top tips and tricks for road tripping with kids to make the vacation enjoyable for everyone.

Pack smart

Along with packing up the kids’ main suitcases for the trip, help yourself out by packing a small travel bag for the car with extra clothes and pajamas, a toothbrush, and anything you might need for the night on the road. If you can fit in their favorite pillow, blanket, and/or stuffed animals bring those too! Those comfort items will help them stay calm in strange, new places.

Don’t forget the fully stocked diaper bag if necessary! Bring tons of wipes and keep them at the top — fully accessible for any car spills or accidents that may happen. A handy trash bag for any car sickness can be a lifesaver as well.

Safety first

Make sure to check your car before you hit the road. Check your tires, get your oil changed if necessary, and have a trusted mechanic give you the green light so you don’t have any unexpected setbacks on the trip.


This is an important one. Kids should be offered snacks every 2-3 hours. You can be healthier and save money as well by bringing your own snacks. Let the kids pick some fun, exciting snacks and also pack some non-messy, healthy snacks like apples, carrots, hard-boiled eggs, and cheese sticks.

Take it slow and stop along the way:

Mapping out the route and planning your stops along the way is the key to success for keeping the kids happy. Take some time to search good family-friendly options for stops, and then let your kids pick! Look up parks with playgrounds where they can get out their energy. Also, look into any theme parks, water parks, or other large attractions that can get the whole family excited.

Consider driving at night or leave early:

If your kids are really not fans of being in the car, get them while they’re sleepy. If you or your partner feel comfortable driving at night, that’s a great option. If night time doesn’t work for you, try leaving really early in the morning. That way, they sleep through a good portion of the drive and you can have peace and quiet.

Have an adult take a backseat

While it’s nice to have an adult buddy up front, putting a grown-up in back with the kids can help the driver can stay focused and eliminate distracted driving. That way, the adult in back can talk with the kids, play games with them, and take care of any accidents or needs that might come up.

Electronic games or classic car games

Handheld electronic movie or game systems can be a great distraction for kids on long car rides. There are some great apps with kid friendly and educational games they can play. However, if you are on a really long trip, you won’t want your kids to be on the screen the whole time.

There are options now for mess-free markers and activity sets that can be a great option for the car. Or you can go the classic route with coloring books, reading books, playing cards, or bingo games. And don’t be afraid to let their imagination run wild too! Games of i-spy or license plate games can spark wonderful conversation.

Treat yourself (and the kids!)

Remember, this is vacation! It’s very important to make sure the driver is well taken care of so they can stay focused, alert, and drive safely. Always pull over to take a nap if you feel tired, or buy yourself a pick-me-up treat to keep your spirits high.


And do the same for the kids! Explain that this trip is a special occasion, so they can pick out some special treats or toys to make the drive more enjoyable.

First aid

Make sure you have your fun band-aids available for the ouchies and boo-boos that might happen along the way. But also, be prepared for more serious injuries as well. A fully stocked first aid kit for the car will ensure that you are ready for any situation that may come your way and can hold you over until you receive medical attention if needed.

Happy Traveling!