Throwing Shade on Your Car

Throwing Shade on Your Car

I bet you didn’t know that there are many different types of car shades to do what you need it to do? It may not seem like the most important thing to worry about when purchasing things and upgrading your vehicle, but they can be extremely handy, and the right one for you can work wonders for you and your vehicle, and you won’t be left out of pocket! Let’s run through a list here of the different types, and what they can offer you.

Pop-up or Spring-loaded Shades

  • If you’re looking for something that makes your car ‘pop’ (sorry, I couldn’t resist), then why not start here. They are typically flexible, and this is down to them being made from wireframe and fabric. With this, they are extremely easy to handle and lightweight, meaning they are also easily stored in the car or anywhere else for that matter, as you can twist, bend, and shape them into a small space. They pop open easily for fast and simple application, and as far as a car windscreen shade is concerned, they are a great choice.

Magnetic Shades

  • They operate as you would think they operate – with magnets! They have magnets attached to them, meaning they can attach to the windscreen using said magnets, so they are nice and secure, and it is easy to do so. The ease of installing and removing them is a big benefit, and provides great coverage of the vehicle, meaning less light and heat can accumulate within the car, and an added bonus is that they are usually custom-fitted. Result! For more ways to improve your vehicle, have a read of this blog.

Foldable or Accordion Shades

  • The old foldable shades. The ones most of us are probably most familiar with, have stood the test of time and are still as popular as ever. Mainly for how simple and effective they are, but also because they offer easy storage options, as they fold up just like an accordion, so you won’t be struggling to find somewhere to keep it. They are also made from reflective material, meaning they reflect that pesky sunlight away from your vehicle, keeping it cooler inside than you might think when exposed to sunlight.

Custom-fit Shades

  • Now then. You could go all out, and get yourself a set of custom-fit shades, that perfectly align with the windscreen. It’s not just a flex, oh no no no, it makes sense. They can then provide you with the most protection and maximum coverage, and with each vehicle being different, will fit like a dream. Not to mention, they are often made of higher quality materials, meaning your car won’t have the same issues as other cars, where it feels like you’re jumping into a sauna after being outside for thirty minutes in the sun!

And there we have it. Whichever works for you, go for it. There are also other choices available, so bear that in mind. For extra information where you are, click this link.

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