Things You Can Do For A Happy Period

Things You Can Do For A Happy Period

Feeling lousy (often pronounced TERRIBLE) and having periods often connect at the hip. Your body is dealing with a lot, including bloating, cramps, bleeding, and hormone-induced emotional ups and downs that are all too common.

Premenstrual syndrome may cause you to feel this way even before the start of your period (PMS). We recognize that this might all be difficult.

However, we shouldn’t be afraid of this “time of the month” because you can change many things to make your period more enjoyable, from your nutrition to your mindset!

Keep reading to see all the hacks you can try for experiencing a happy period:

  • Choose the right sanitary product:

This means you should make your decision on what to use for your blood flow, be it sanitary napkins- or pads, or tampons, menstrual cups, or simply period pants. A lot of companies have emerged with the idea of making period pants that are made from an extremely absorbent material and work wonders. You can shop for period underwears online at Modibodi. Even though period pants and menstrual cups are comparatively much cheaper and eco-friendly options, you should try the others and make your choice on the basis of your comfortability and confidence.

  • Eat properly:

A diet full of fresh foods will be jam-packed with vital vitamins and minerals that can lessen the discomfort of your period. Choose fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to receive your daily serving of magnesium, which can lessen the severity of period cramps. On the other hand, whole grains are full of vitamin B, which offers a long-lasting source of energy and enhance your mood. Reduce your salt consumption as much as possible since this can assist to prevent bloating and water retention.

  • Dealing with cramps:

Menstrual cramps can begin one or two days prior to the onset of your period and linger for a few days. They are entirely normal. While some women only suffer minor symptoms, others may struggle with severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, and loose stools. To help yourself out:

  1. Apply a heating pad to your lower back or stomach.
  2. Taking a hot bath.
  3. Put a hot water bottle on your lower back or stomach, or abdomen.
  4. Consult your physician before taking an over-the-counter painkiller or anti-inflammatory medication.
  5. Increase blood flow by engaging in a simple workout like yoga, walking, or swimming.
  • Keep active:

Although many of you may suddenly feel like you have a good excuse to miss the gym or avoid out for a run since it is that time of the month. You could think your pain or exhaustion is out of control. These “excuses,” though, are the very reasons you should go!

You can help loosen up stiff muscles and get your blood moving by exercising and stretching. Exercise also results in the release of feel-good hormones called endorphins, which can lift your spirits and even affect how you perceive pain.

One thought on “Things You Can Do For A Happy Period

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