Although none of us want to air our dirty laundry in public, there are some situations in life that can truly benefit from the help of a third party. One of these situations is family mediation. In cases where couples choose to separate or divorce, a professional mediator is someone who can help them transition through the process in the most effective and least detrimental way possible. Family mediation is a very popular alternative to dispute resolution and is often chosen in lieu of going to court to settle a divorce case. In today’s article, we have a look at the role of a professional mediator in family disputes, so read on to find out more.
First Up – What Is Family Mediation?
In a nutshell, family mediation is a process where an independent and impartial third party, also known as the professional mediator, helps a couple come to a mutual decision on any disagreements they may have. The mediator’s role is to help both parties compromise their differences and arrive at an agreement that settles existing disputes in order to avoid the situation escalating to a court hearing.
Benefits Of Mediation In Family Disputes
In many cases, a professional mediator will assist couples in working out agreements such as alimony, child support, child custody and division of assets. Of course, situations are not limited to those that have been mentioned and can include anything else that may be impacted by separation or divorce. A professional mediator will meet with both parties in a shared environment for as many sessions as the couples need in order to negotiate a mutual agreement.
While the process may not be without difficult moments and can also involve a great amount of anger and sadness, the silver lining is that mediation often proves to be less painful for both parties and any children involved as compared to when matters are brought to the courts.
An Unbiased And Impartial Third Party
Of course, when it comes to choosing the best professional mediator for your case, you may have your worries. Thankfully, you can trust that any professional mediator that you choose will be completely unbiased and impartial in their opinions and thoughts regarding your individual disagreements. As such, it is important that you ensure the mediator you choose does not have any association with any of the persons involved in family mediation that might affect their impartiality or judgement.
A Confidential And Safe Space
Many couples worry that should mediation fail, information that was discussed may be used against them in court. It is important to note that everything discussed with your professional mediator is kept confidential and that should matters fail to be resolved, the information you have offered may not be used against you in Court proceedings. Neither your mediator nor any of the persons involved in the mediation may disclose what has been discussed at a later date.
Due to this, sessions with a professional mediation are one of the best opportunities for individuals to put it all on the table in an effort to resolve issues.
A Professional Mediator’s Qualifications
It is important to note that professional mediators are experts in their field and that there is a national scheme for accrediting mediators and a set of standards that mediators must maintain. The National Mediators Accreditation Scheme (NMAS) in Australia is overseen by the Mediators’ Standards Board (MSB) which supervises the conduct of professional mediators all around the nation. Among other things, these standards require professional mediators to have excellent character, a good background and undertake ongoing training in order to upgrade their skills and knowledge.
Benefits Of Using A Professional Mediator
- Mediation saves time and money
- Mediation offers you the opportunity to work out your own solutions
- Mediation is a great way to to finalise conflict in an open, honest and respectful way
A professional mediator is someone who is there to assist you in one of the most trying times in life. We hope that this article has given you insight into the role and responsibilities of a professional mediator in family disputes.
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