It’s time to raise the bar with regards to your BB-ing prowess and go pro! At least, that’s what you’ll be likely to achieve with these BBQ grilling trips from world-renown chefs along with the best camping grill.
Get the fire ready (or the coal, gas, you name it) and get cooking!
BBQ Grilling Tips You Should Try
1. No More Lighter Fluid
There was a time when light fluid was all the rage in BBQ-ing. You wouldn’t start the camping grill without making sure you were stocked with it. But according to studies, light fluid releases a chemical compound that can potentially be harmful to food, and ultimately, to you.
Therefore, lose that fluid and stick to natural wood lumps or chimney starters and charcoal. You’ll the fire burning by simply waiting it out. Give the coal a bit of room (and time) to slowly heat up before setting the food items on the grill.
2. Smoke Colour
Colour? Does Smoke have a hue? Oh, yes it does. You merely need to pay attention to it. According to experts, you should aim for a blue-ish tint. Or at least, that’s the goal. If it becomes too dark grey-ish, let the fire simmer a bit. Otherwise, you’ll end up with meat and veggies that have a burnt flavour instead of one that’s smokey.
3. Room-Temperature Slabs
Meat should be at room temperature before you BBQ them. What this entails is that you should have already defrosted it early in the day and set it in a bowl or on a plate for quite some time to achieve that temperature.
Even better, professionals chefs all agree that this is a technique in allowing the meat to retain its juice once it’s being cooked.
BBQ grill sellers can help you find the perfect grill for your outdoor space.
4. When “Done” Is Done
It’s important to learn how to tell if the meat is ready, or “done”. You can try cutting the middle portion (or the thickest portion) and prying it slightly apart. Steam should rise from it. In other words, it has to be piping hot at the very mid-section.
At the same time, you should notice that in doing so, juices should seep through and ooze out. By the way, Experience is the key here as well. Keep practising and you’ll soon be an old hand at this.
5. Stop Over-Flipping
The general rule with grilling is that once you’ve plopped the items on, stop flipping them. The only time you should is when you see a kind of crust emerging around the sides. Other than that, leave it as it is.
6. Seasoning Isn’t Just For Meat
It’s for the grill, too! Here’s a trade secret many don’t know about yet. Seasoning the grill adds more flavour to the meat and vegetables you’ll cook. Slices and dices of herbs are all the magic you’ll need.
7. Clean The Grill Properly
After grilling, clean the equipment well. This will ready it for the next BBQ you’ll have. This step is crucial because charred remains that aren’t wiped or washed off can affect the way meat will be cooked the next time around.
They’ll tend to burn food items faster and give that bitter-burnt taste, and not the tasty kind. So clean away!
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