Cycling can be a risky pastime on UK roads, with 99 riders killed according to figures from 2018.
During the same period, an estimated 4,106 were seriously injured, while 13,345 were involved in incidents that left them carrying smaller injuries.
But what are the most common cycling accident injuries in the UK? Here’s a breakdown for you to consider:
- Vehicles Turning into the Path of Cyclists
This is the single most significant cause of cycling accidents in the UK, with the threat most pronounced when the driver of an automobile overtakes a cyclist at speed before suddenly slowing down as they prepare to turn.
This puts the vehicle directly in the path of the cyclist, and it often occurs in instances where the driver simply doesn’t see the bike or assumes that they have ample space and time to complete their maneuver safely.
In this scenario, the fault usually lies with the driver, and as a result of this you may be left with an impactful injury that wasn’t your fault at all.
You may therefore be able to place a successful personal industry claim as the injured party, so long as you process this within three years of the accident and can demonstrate the impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. You can also use a claim calculator to determine how much you may be owed due to the incident.
- Drivers Failing to See Cyclists When Changing Lanes
This brings us neatly onto our second (and similar) cause of cycling accidents, which occur when drivers simply fail to see riders as they indicate and subsequently change lanes.
This type of accident often occurs when drivers are reckless and enter a lane at high speed, but cyclists are also required to protect themselves and ensure their visibility while out on the road.
This is particularly true during dark or wintery conditions, where cyclists must wear high visibility clothing and a helmet to safeguard them in the event of a fall.
Occasionally, drivers may also misjudge the speed of cyclists, causing them to mistime their lane switch and triggering a potentially nasty accident.
- Drivers Opening Their Vehicles Doors In Front of an Oncoming Cyclist
While it may seem strange, this type of accident occurs with alarming regularity, with drivers or passengers mindlessly opening their vehicle doors just as a cyclist passes them from behind.
This can have significant consequences, as cyclists rarely have the requisite time to react and will often be sent flying through the air as they brace themselves for a heavy fall.
While you have a duty to be vigilant and afford as much space when passing idle vehicles as possible as a cyclist, this type of accident usually occurs when drivers open their doors without looking or checking behind them for oncoming riders.
This issue can be compounded on bad or congested roads, where cyclists are likely to endure a particularly heavy or damaging fall.
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