Playing blues is one of the best experiences you will ever have as a guitar beginner. Blues legends believe that you cannot enjoy playing blues if you are using a depressing guitar. This is not far from the truth because, as a guitar beginner, you will probably want to have the best experience during your first attempt. That is where the selection of your guitar becomes essential. The worst thing that can happen to you is starting with a guitar of poor quality. It is likely to kill your passion and inspiration, and you may not find fun and excitement at all.
Selecting Acoustic Guitars For Beginners
You will need a quality guitar to be able to play blues well and even become a master in this as a starter. According to the blues legends, acoustic guitars should be tone-filled, soulful, and well built for beginner guitarists.
However, it may not be accessible to a starter like you to know which guitar is best for you, given that we have hundreds of them in the market. But there is no need to worry. From those hundreds of acoustic guitars, we have a selection of them here that have been reviewed by experts.
The guitars we are about to show you have been found to work well with blues music. They also have several benefits, especially to a beginner guitarist like you. Let’s have a look at some of the top-rated acoustic guitars recommended for a beginner like you.
- Fender FA-100
This acoustic guitar is a model that will provide you with high-quality sound and also comes at a reasonable price. It is a full-size, dreadnought body that will provide you with a full vibrant tone. The kit for this acoustic comes with everything you will need as a beginner.
- Yamaha FG-800
That is also another acoustic guitar great for beginners because it comes with a beginners’ package. It has impeccable quality with easy action adjustment, essential for those who want to start learning guitar.
- Seagull 26
You may consider this acoustic guitar if you are planning to start learning how to play the guitar. Unlike other models that happen to go off tune, Seagull S6 has tapered headstock to give you stable tuning.
- Donner Dag-1C
Most beginners are looking for a guitar that can fit in their tight budget. If you are that person, then this particular acoustic guitar is for you. However, apart from being pocket-friendly, it also makes it ideal for a starter like you because it comes with other excellent benefits. For instance, it has a full-size 41-inch body that will provide you with a full vibrant tone. It is generally ideal for playing music like blues, rock, jazz, pop, and fingerstyle.
- Fender CD-60S
If you are looking for a guitar that comes with a starter package to allow you to begin learning right away, then this acoustic guitar is for you. Fender CD-60S has a dreadnought body, as well as features that are perfect for beginners.
- Gretsch G9200 Boxcar Resonator
Another high model classical acoustic guitar that blues legends recommend for beginner guitarists is Gretsch G9200 Boxcar Resonator. It may stretch your budget a bit compared to other entry-level guitars. However, if you know what you want and what you want to do as a starter, then this particular model guitar is right for you. It can replicate vintage sound well
Guitar Holding For Beginners
It is useless to talk about the best guitars for beginners without insisting on how to hold it. That is because holding is another crucial aspect of guitar learning that you need to know as beginner guitarists. Guitar selection may not be worthwhile if you don’t know how to hold it.
According to guitar player legends, the way you hold your guitar for the first time is essential as it happens to be the basic fundamental for all you will learn about music instruments. If you start on the wrong foot, then you will find everything about guitar boring, and it will not elicit that passion for playing instruments.
Generally, the way you hold a guitar can make a big difference in your guitar learning journey. To learn more about guitar holding, feel free to visit the website.
Learning how to play guitar can only be fun if you can make good choices and do things the right way. If you consider this in your guitar learning journey, everything else about the guitar will come into place.
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