Don’t allow a little thing like money to stand in the way of you hosting a fantastic event. There are many promotional techniques to use
Tag: social media
Effective Ways to Automate your Social Media
One cannot just ignore the importance of social media especially for promoting their business. It is perhaps one of the finest ways to reach potential
How to Do SEO for Real Estate Professionals
Now, more than ever, people are heading online for everything, big or small. Finding a home or a reliable realtor is no different. Majority of
Why Small Businesses Need to Pay Attention to Digital Security Issues
Digital security is of critical importance to companies of all sizes. You may feel that your burgeoning business isn’t large enough to attract the eye
How to Use (and Not Use) Social Media in a Personal Injury Claim
Making a personal injury claim is a very sensitive process. It takes time, knowledge and attention to details, from keeping records of anything related to
What happens online in 60 seconds? [Infographic]
Have you ever thought of how many times people search Google in 60 seconds? How many emails sent in 1 minute or 60 seconds? On
The World map of Social Networks [Infographic]
Based on the traffic data gathered from Alexa and Google Trends for Websites, Vincenzo Cosenza creates a “world map of social networks”, showing the dominant
10 Great Quotes on Social Media
Social Media is everywhere! It can ruin your life or it can give you life. The way you use it matters ! Here are some
The Deplorable state of Media in India
Media Social Responsibility -Jago Media Jago