You might have noticed that whenever you search for a case study of a business or related material for the academic work online, you usually get files that end with ‘.pdf’. It indicates that all these files are Portable Document Files, a file format that has unapologetically taken over the popularity of other formats, like paper files and Word documents. It helps in displaying files anywhere without the constraint of any software, operating system, or hardware.
When the idea of PDF was proposed first in 1991, the main focus was to develop a universal document format to make official documentation easier and safer. But later, as all sectors of life started understanding the significance of PDF format, it became an international go-to format for exchanging and sharing files. Just like other sectors, businesses also use this format as they require a lot of documentation of important official matters.
You will also need a tool like Soda Editor to view, edit, and occasionally convert these documents. If your business documentation is not carried out in PDF format yet, here is what you are missing out.
Solid Format:
Businesses often have to send printable documents urgently. They don’t have time to spend several hours on formatting a document. Obviously, if your client is waiting to sign the agreement, you can’t ask him to wait for a while just because your file’s format got dishevelled while transferring it from one computer to another. The issue with a Word’s document is that its format gets changed if you open it on another device with different versions of MS Office and Windows. But PDF file is free from any such constraint, and its format remains intact no matter which device you use. You can also convert your pdf to a website.
Businesses documentation requirements are different. Like, an annual report might need graphs and 3D Models. Whereas, a presentation might require incorporation of a video. Other document formats are not multi-functional and don’t support all types of content. So, people usually have to use different applications and software to make one single document. But a PDF format frees businesses from this hassle as it is a multi-functional format and you can make portfolios, reports, and presentations through it.
Robust Security:
Have you ever wished that the Word document had a feature to ensure the security of your confidential document? Usually, businesses’ documents are confidential, and they don’t want them to get leaked. Obviously, who would want its marketing plan to get leaked to its competitor? Unlike other files, you can protect a PDF by applying password so that unauthorized people can’t view it.
These are some of the reasons why businesses are switching from other file formats to PDF form and making documentation easier for themselves. So, if you are a business, but haven’t switched to PDF format, then this is the right time to change your documentation style because it is getting better with every passing instant.
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