Supervillains With The Best Style And Can You Sport Them In Real Life

Supervillains With The Best Style And Can You Sport Them In Real Life

Superhero culture is an insanely popular part of pop-culture. But, when you look at a superhero, he’s just a guy with superpowers, right? What makes him great is adversity, and adversity isn’t possible without a supervillain.

And, people love a supervillain. When you start loving a cool, bad character, you sometimes want to dress like them.

Luckily, there are characters whose style you could emulate easily.

Something for the city life

Here are some styles you could rock during the regular city events. Therefore you could look at several styles from favorite villains and decide what would work for you. So, let’s start with the obviously loved bad guy.


The first thing you need to be like a joker isn’t white face paint, but a Joker suit. Joker won our hearts and souls in every incarnation since his first comic book appearance almost a century ago.


He always wears a suit, usually of purple color. Blazer and pants match, and along with mafia-style shoes, look amazing in his evil base, bank robbery, or on Gotham’s docks.

A style great for parties, going on to theaters, or just enjoying an art gallery event in the city. Just don’t wear it with a crazy grin when you go out.



A quick disclaimer, when you do Negan, you don’t need a bat. Lucile is a bat with a barbed wire that Negan carries around for punishing people and zombie killing. Yet, when you look at it, you have to admit that man has style.

Negan is easily recognizable by his black jacket, black or grey jeans, and a shirt. It’s a basic combination, but it’s a combination that works wonders in casual events. Or events that require you to come with a need for a touch of elegance.

Just don’t bring his huge sarcasm, or you’ll ruin a good look.

Lex Luthor


Whether it’s traditional DC comics, Smallville, or films, Lex Luthor is a mythical Superman villain. He’s bald, bold, and supremely intelligent. And, he has a great style to rock with.

He’s always in a blazer or a suit, but the thing that sets him apart from other villains is the turtleneck sweater. And what can you really do, he’s like Micheal Foucalt, turtleneck just works for him.

And it could also work for you. Give a turtleneck a try and wear it to a nice dinner, a book club event, or anything artsy. Add a blazer to it, and you are going to look like a classy intellectual.



Kingpin is a supreme Marvel villain. He came from the slums and conquered the criminal underground. And, aside from his plus size, you may remember him for his blazer and vest underneath it.

If anything, he’s the epitome of a corrupt politician or a businessman. And, if you are going to a political rally or a business meeting, you could with his look. It may be costly, but it’s going to look awesome.

Yet, he’s so big that he’s getting it custom made. So, it’s good to work out prior to trying his style. It may be a bit too big to chew.

Crazy-brave or alternative

However, that’s all about formal or casual attire. But, not all people love those usual styles. Some people are naturally crazier, braver, or just plain alternatives with their attire. So, it’s only right to offer them something they could wear.

Darth Vader


A legendary character of the “Star Wars” universe, now fabled for his “Luke I’m your father” quote. Aside from being supremely strong and a fallen Jedi, Darth Vader could also fare rather great at a goth party.

Of course, he could do better without a cape and a helmet. But, all that plastic and latex, that could look so good at an alternative event.

Note that it would be great if a person wearing that attire without a talking defect, and with less malice. However, it could potentially prove amazing a themed event.



Tom Hardy popularized the character, but he was already a legendary part of Batman’s lore. Bane is strong, brutal, and overly intelligent, and he has an interesting look for a rave. In his initial incarnations, he had jeans and a tank top with muscles protruding all over it.

Yet, even if you aren’t a super-strong bad guy, you could still go to the club in those clothes. Especially an underground club with loud music.

In the Tom hardy segment, he’s wearing cargo pants, boots, and a trench coat. And, that’s perfect for an industrial event or a Nine Inch Nails concert. And to make it all even better, you should bring the mask into the mix.

It’ll make the look completely authentic.

General Zod


Finally, one of the greatest Superman villains, General Zod has interesting attire. If he was born during the previous century, he could’ve easily been a part of the Kraftwerk music band. Yet, what sets him apart is the combination of things and a wavy shirt.

By all means, you should wear this for an out of town Fleetwood Mac concert, or when you are going to an artsy pub located in the basement. Even better, you won’t look too different from other characters in the mix.

Also, great attire if you are visiting Europe, and going to Italy. Those guys won’t be able to tell you are dressing like a bad guy from a planet called Krypton. It’s just another day for them.

Wear it with pride

The last piece of advice, have fun with it. People are quick to judge. Everything that doesn’t conform to their mediocre standards should become a laughing stock.

Fashion is far greater than that. And, it should allow you to express yourself, and enjoy a style of your own.

Therefore, go all out. Maybe you are going to dress like a supervillain. But, damn, you are going to look insanely cool. And, sometimes, that’s all you need for amazing things to happen to you.