I’m sure you’ve heard it all before, but having a baby is expensive. From pregnancy till childbirth, you will already be drowned under pregnancy healthcare bills. All these expenses must be discussed with your partner and calculated beforehand when you decide to have a baby. Most parents set out a budget for childbirth and baby essentials but are still surprised by hidden expenses. Why is this so? It is probably because we do not realise the costs of critical necessities for young babies.
And what is the most important necessity for a young baby? Baby gear.
Why Is Baby Gear Important?
No matter what the media tells you, you do not need loads and an unnecessary amount of baby gear. But, having high-quality baby gear is very, very important for you.
Here are some baby gear items you must have.
- Baby car seats.
You cannot skip on a baby car seat. In the present day, mostly both parents or a single parent is a working person. You will be doing a lot of travelling as well. So a baby car seat is a safety measure that you need to have. But here’s the deal: car seats do not come cheap. You can find baby car seats at the best price in New Zealand from Maxi-Cosi. If possible, get a convertible and adjustable car seat for your ease.
- Baby cradle and crib.
A baby crib is a necessity that you cannot overlook. As a newborn baby, you would need to keep your baby in your room in a cradle. As time passes, your child will need a crib that will be usable till your baby becomes a toddler of age 2-3 years. Choosing a cradle and a crib is not easy, but remember to opt for maximum safety gears. Remember, your baby gear is reusable and possibly has a good resale value. So do not try to save money because it is a one-time investment that can last very long.
- Baby stroller.
Do not get a carriage-style stroller. I repeat, do not get a carriage-style stroller. If you are trying to get the best equipment while saving money, you’ll find your baby will outgrow the carriage-style stroller in a maximum of four months. Instead, get a combo car seat stroller that will be usable for your baby until your baby is 2 to 3 years old. A reclinable baby stroller with an umbrella is recommended.
- Baby bouncer.
A wheeled carrier can not be taken to some places as it is not easy to carry one around. Although you can survive without a baby bouncer, having a baby bouncer will give the mother a break that she desperately needs in the first few months of the baby’s arrival.
- Baby rocking chair and high chair.
A rocking chair is necessary to put a baby to sleep. A parent cannot always carry a baby around in their arms, and most babies only go to sleep when they’re being rocked. A baby rocking chair will be a great help in this case. A high chair can be skipped if you are on a tight budget.
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