Here’s a tip that the pros use to keep their windows street free and ultra clean. The real key to those clean windows is using a squeegee with a soft and smooth rubber edge. Another option is to use newspaper that has been crumbled up into small pieces. A 1-inch strip should be dried at the sides of the window or at the top and the squeegee can start in that location. When you are able to start the squeegee on dry glass, the streaks will not be a problem. You should also avoid doing windows when the sun is shining directly on them because the windows will dry too quickly and may streak. Cloudy days or the evening time is the best for washing windows.
Antiseptic sprays can work wonders on dusty blinds. Using the spray can keep the dust from sticking to the blinds and piling up. Static Guard is an excellent choice and it can be applied to the blinds immediately after cleaning them. There may be additional cleaning options that will work quite well if dust is a problem in other areas of the house.
Sometimes, window frames may get moldy and a bleach detergent can help to clean the area. The mold will often show up as either gray or black mildew spots. A solution of 1-ounce laundry detergent, 2 ounces of bleach and a quart of water mixed together will work wonders. Be sure to protect your hands by wearing rubber gloves and apply the solution to the window frame with a sponge. Rinse with clean water after allowing the mixture to sit in the area for 10 minutes. This is a window cleaning Houston secret from the pros.
If the outside windows ills seem to be constantly dirty, using floor wax is going to help. Dirt can easily accumulate on the outside window frames because it is the outside of the home. The most effective way to protect from this problem is using a coat of floor wax. You can also use WD-40 and it will work on many exterior window issues, including snow.
When shades are dirty, you can wash them if necessary or dust them if it is only a small amount of dirt. When they are dusted regularly using a Swiffer or a vacuum with the brush attached, it can remove the dust and keep it from piling up. If you see spots or stains, then a deeper cleaning is necessary. It is possible to wash them without removing them but you will find it to be a lot easier if you just remove them first.
When windows get dirty quickly, you may have to change the filter in your HVAC system. Most modern homes tend to be airtight and that can allow dust, pollen, and smaller particles to accumulate on the windows. Most people are aware of the benefits of using air conditioner filters to keep the appliances running a long time but they also help to cut down on dirt.
If you have a smoker in your home, washing the windows with a solution including ammonia can help. It will cut through the nicotine film and tar very quickly. Begin with 3 gallons of water and add 1 cup of ammonia. Scrub your windows using this mixture. If you use a lemon-scented ammonia, your house will smell fantastic.
Sometimes, the window screens are in worse shape than the windows and these can be taken outside to wash. Using a soft bristle brush will allow you to clean the screens on both sides as you run a solution of warm water with dishwashing detergent over it. The screen should always be handled by the edges and held so that the majority of the screen is facing the ground. Tap on one edge to remove loose particles.
Author Bio
Since travelling to different places fascinates her, Karen used her escapades to see the world’s best home interior designs and styles. She graduated with a degree in Interior Designing and is practicing for several years now. When she’s energized, you will often see her name on different blogs as she writes some of the best designs along with their photographs.
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