When you have a brick-and-mortar store, it’s easy to gauge customer needs and make improvements to your services. You will be around to answer their questions and solve any problems they have with the merchandise. You can observe their reactions, noticing how they smile when they grab their bag or how they balk at the final price at the register.
Navigating customer service is much more difficult when your business is primarily online. Customers often assume that you are available to answer their inquiries 24/7, that’s why many companies choose to work with call centers in the Philippines and other countries abroad. Apart from lessening the tools and equipment needed, you’ll be able to increase your brand’s response rate which is great in the customers’ perspective. Without the benefit of face-to-face interaction, you’re going to have to find other ways to connect with potential buyers. If you want to improve the customer service of your ecommerce store in a hurry, try these three suggestions:
Guarantee Quick Deliveries
Giants like Amazon have raised the expectations of customers. Now, they want their product orders to show up at their front door almost instantaneously. Your small business can’t manage that unbelievable speed, but you can do the next best thing.
Start moving your goods with netParcel to impress your customers with fast and reliable delivery — they won’t have to sit for two weeks, wondering if their order got lost in the mail. The courier broker gives you plenty of delivery options to choose from, so you can find the best courier company and price that works with your budget.
Answer Their Questions
Large businesses will be able to hire employees for around the clock customer support. Smaller businesses can’t commit to the same level of support. What you can do instead is have a clear and concise FAQ page. The simple addition will make sure people aren’t clicking around your website in frustration.
Make sure that your FAQ page is well-organized and easy-to-spot — they shouldn’t have to go through a long series of links to find out important information. Organize all of the possible questions into clear categories like Products, Payment, Shipping and Returns. That way, they can scroll to the section and get their answer in a flash.
Put A Face To Your Business
The ecommerce platform Shopify encourages business owners to create an About Me section on their websites in order to earn customer trust. The section could cover how the business started and why you are passionate about the work. Visitors will be a lot more invested in the company when they get to know a little bit about the people behind it.
The website Business2Community also states that putting a face to your marketing makes your company more memorable to customers. There are lots of ways to insert yourself into your website and online marketing. Star in social media posts. Put a photo in the About Me section. Write company messages in first-person, so it sounds personal instead of cold.
Appealing to customer interests is much harder from behind a screen, but it’s not impossible. When you prioritize their product orders and answer their inquiries, you show that you care about their shopping experience. And by putting a face to the company, they will know exactly who put effort into establishing exceptional customer service.
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