Should Small-Business Owners Invest in Security?

Should Small-Business Owners Invest in Security?

Today’s business landscape has seen many dramatic changes in culture and technology, changes that have all made competition stiff, and security threats more palpable than ever. If you are a small-business owner, you may be asking yourself whether it is wise to invest in security in the midst of this rapidly shifting economic environment.

Here are some questions you should answer to help you decide.

Do You Want to Improve Your Company Image?

A business that places an importance on security gives off an image of integrity, professionalism, and credibility, compared to one that does not. When a security breach disrupts your operations, your clients will most likely seek to do business elsewhere. These incidents are also off-putting to potential investors and stakeholders who have put their faith in you.

Even if the downtime is temporary and you were able to fix the breach, its effects can be permanent and long-lasting, especially on your reputation. Simply put, nobody wants to do business with an organization that does not foster trust and reliability.

Do You Handle Sensitive Information?

If your company regularly handles sensitive information such as consumer data, credit card information, or other confidential files, then cybersecurity in the workplace should not just be an option but also a priority.

Security breaches are very common and considered extremely serious. In fact, the 2017 Unisys Security Index reports that 56 percent of Americans are seriously concerned about cybersecurity-related issues like hacking and computer viruses, a dramatic increase compared to the results in 2014, when only 36 percent of survey respondents said they were seriously concerned about such threats.

Installing up-to-date security systems will help prevent malicious software, data theft, and other digital security breaches. You should also train employees on the proper protocol for handling sensitive data. There are useful resources like HackEDU where you can improve your knowledge of cyber security. Your customers and investors expect you to protect any personal information they provide to you, and breaking their confidence can have very devastating consequences on your business.

Do You Run Safety-Sensitive Operations?

It is not just important to preserve your digital resources; you should also implement security in your physical work environment. If you run safety-sensitive operations like construction or manufacturing, then you should put up an effective security system to prevent unauthorized access to risky or confidential areas of the organization.

Consider installing CCTV cameras in places that have high foot traffic so you can monitor who goes in and out of your building. If you use expensive equipment and machinery, you should use locks that will not be easily broken. And if you should ever doubt the integrity of your locks, try opening them with lockpicking guns and similar tools so you’ll know if you need to change your locks or your methods of restricting access to certain areas in the office.

Do You Want to Save Money?

The immediate cost of implementing efficient security measures may put you off, but before you dismiss it as just another expensive investment, consider the expenses and possible long-term consequences involved during downtime in the event of a security breach. A recent study by Kaspersky Lab found that the costs involved in recovering from a security breach can reach as high as $500,000 for enterprises and $38,000 for small- and medium-size businesses.

By implementing an effective security system, you not only save thousands of dollars but also have priceless peace of mind knowing you are not compromising the integrity of your organization. Whether it’s installing sophisticated locks or a foolproof IT system, investing in proper security measures for your organization will say a lot about you as a business.