Blocked drains are about as unpleasant as they sound. Unfortunately they continue to be a common battle fought by homeowners everywhere, which rarely comes at the best timing. So rather than just accepting you have yet another drain issue, find out some tips that will prevent future blocked drains.
Food in the sink
Having food end up in the sink and then travelling down the drain would have to be the biggest cause of blocked drains. We’ve all been guilty of leaving a little bit of food matter on our plate and thinking that it’s not enough to take to the bin, so we’ll let our trusty sink or dishwasher content with it. Food left on plates that find themselves in the sink and dishwasher will head straight for your drains and will start to build up on previous food in there and begin a clog. Food like rice is particularly bad for your drains as the consistency makes it easy to stick inside your drains. Start setting the example in your home that dishes only enter the sink or dishwasher if they are free of food.
Grease down the drain
Another very common cause of blocked drains is grease. You might find this perplexing as it is almost a liquid substance itself, but in colder temperatures it can harden and turn into lumps that will catch in your drain and cause a clog. Get in the habit of keeping your grease away from the sink or dishwasher, and putting it to the side until it cools before disposing of your grease safely in your bin.
Using too much washing powder
We get it. Your Bolognaise bowls can get pretty messy, and adding a dash more washing powder will be sure to get those bowls like new again. Unfortunately that is not true, and just bad housekeeping. Remember to always use the amount of powder that is prescribed for your dishwasher, as you may end up with even more dirty crockery when your drains are blocked and your dishwasher is out of action for a period of time. Too much washing powder will solidify within your pipes and could be an expensive job to undo.
Flushing more than toilet paper
The horrors of blocked drains are nothing compared to blocked drains in your bathroom. If you have a baby, it can be tempting to just wash those nappies and baby wipes down the toilet but this will cause havoc on your drains. The same goes for paper towels, which are notorious for attaching themselves to the inside of the pipes and forming clogs. Put all paper towels in the bin, and all baby waste items into a baby waste container or straight in the bin.
Think about where you plant your trees and shrubs
Blocked drains are not just problems for inside the house. In fact, you may have even less control of what goes into those drains outside. The key perpetrator with blocked drains outdoors are trees and shrubs that shed so much that the leaves and plant waste build up inside your drains. It doesn’t end there though. Trees planted near your piping will have roots grow into your pipes and essentially break or split them. A good rule of thumb is to plant your trees at least 25 meters away from your drainage.
If feels like the right way to do things is always the more tedious way of doing things. But it is critical that you don’t get lazy with your habits. Because it may have irreversible harm in your pipes and drainage. Start educating the rest of your household on some or all of these tips.
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