Do you feel as though constant stress is getting the better of you? If so then now is the time for you to do something about that. There are times when stress can be a very good thing. It can help you to face your fears and you may also find that it gives you the chance to get things done. At the same time though, you may find that you are in a constant state of anxiety and tension.
If you want to do something about this then one thing you can do to try and help yourself is pinpoint the source of your stress and then take steps to try and eliminate it. If you can do this then you are bound to make a positive difference to your life.
You’re Sick
If you find that you are always sick but you can’t seem to get over it then you have to do something about that. You may find that you just can’t seem to get over a cough or a sneezing fit and that you always have a sore throat. If this is the case then you need to take action on this. One thing you can do is try and take note of the pressure you are under so you can see if you can alleviate it. It may be that you need to speak to your boss to see if they can give you some additional help with the responsibilities that you have or it may be that you need to work fewer hours.
Either way, if you are under constant stress then the hormone cortisol will be coursing through your body and when this happens, it can damage your immune system. Your hormones will become withdrawn and this can make you way more prone to sickness. Unfortunately, the side effects of this don’t end there either. You may also find that stress slows down your ability to heal, and when this happens, you may find that you are way more vulnerable to things such as stress and anxiety.
If you want to do something about this then listen to your body when it is telling you that you are tired or feeling drained. You also indeed try to make sure that you make time for rest, as well as extra sleep if that is what you feel as though you need. If you don’t then you may find that you are never giving yourself enough time to recover and that is the last thing you want.
You Can’t Concentrate
If you are having a really hard time concentrating then this is also another reason why you may be letting stress get to you too much. If you find that you are in a position where you are just too overwhelmed to focus then this can come with drastic consequences. You need to do what you can to work around this by giving yourself time to unwind when you truly need to.
Research has shown time and time again that when you can’t focus on what is in front of you, you may have an increase of cortisol in the body. This can lead to your hippocampus shrinking, which is your brain’s memory center. If you feel as though this is happening to you then the first thing you need to do is take the time to do some long inhales and exhales. Deep breathing can remind you that your thoughts don’t control you and that in fact, you control them.
You can also help to make yourself aware of any bodily situations you may be experiencing, especially in high-stress situations. You may find that this helps you with your blood flow and that it also regulates your heart rate. Things like this can make a huge difference at the end of the day and you may even find that it helps you to relieve any muscle tension.
You Have a Headache
If you find that you have a con=stant headache that you can’t seem to shake then this is another major sign that you are under a lot of stress. If you experience throbbing or pain in the head then there’s a good chance that this is a tension or stress headache. In instances like this it may be that you can point to other troubles in your life, such as drinking too much or not having enough water during the day but at the end of the day, stress can also be to blame.
If you wake up with what feels like the worst headache in your life then you should see a doctor immediately. If you don’t then you may find that you are not able to pinpoint a potential health issue in time. If you do feel as though stress is the source of your headache then the easy solution would be for you to make less stress in your life. If you can pinpoint your stress then this will help you too.
Playing games is one of the best ways for you to relieve tension as it puts the focus on something else, other than what is happening in your life. If you want some games to play then one thing you can do is look into doing a crossword puzzle, as it not only gives you the chance to expand your vocabulary, it also helps you to seek the relief you are looking for.
Your Back is Aching
If you have knots in your shoulders or your neck then this is a major sign that you need to lessen the stress you are under. If you don’t then you may find that you make your stress worse and this could lead to even more physical symptoms. High levels of stress and tension can create a lot of discomfort, but it can also be avoided. If your back pain develops after you have experienced an accident or if you have experienced emotional trauma then this could be a sign that you are struggling with PTSD. If this is the case then you need to talk with your primary doctor, as you may find that your pain doesn’t go away unless you take steps to deal with it.
At the end of the day, a lot of relaxation techniques can help you to reduce stress, including things like deep breathing, guided imagery and even yoga. If you want to help yourself then you need to try and devote time to stretching during the day as this is the best way for you to relieve your aching muscles and you may even find that it helps you to unwind much easier.
You Can’t Sleep
If you can’t sleep then this is another major sign that you are just under too much stress. You may find that you end up waking up and worrying about things or that you simply can’t switch off. If this is the case then you need to try and do something about it. Sleep should come easily to you and after a long day, getting into bed should be a relaxing experience.
If you want to do something about this then dealing with the source of your anxiety is the way to go. Talk with your doctor if you find that this is a regular occurrence. Discuss whether your stress has led to your depression or whether it is the other way around. At the end of the day, this can be a vicious cycle. When you can’t sleep very well, it may be that every day annoyances begin to grind on you and that you are not able to cope with things as well as you should be able to.
If you want to do something about this then you may want to cut back on caffeine and also make sure that you increase your exercise too. If you can do this then you will soon find that you can reap the benefits.
You Keep Getting UTIs
If you have ever been in a meeting that has gone on and on then you will know how frustrating it can be. With that being said, when you sit for hours on end you may not end up going to the bathroom and this can put you at risk of a urinary tract infection. If you want to stop this from happening then you need to go to the bathroom whenever you need to go.
Don’t make excuses and tell yourself that you are an adult and that you can excuse yourself to meet your personal needs. DOn’t rush through work and keep putting pressure on yourself to just get one more thing done, because if you do then this will make it incredibly difficult for you to get the result you want.
If you want to work around this then you need to make sure that you are not holding it in when you need to go to the bathroom and that you are keeping yourself as hydrated as possible.
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