Wedding venues have varied throughout the years. There are some who get married under a tree, near a pond, or in a flower garden. There are also some who stick to their religious rituals by having the wedding ceremony indoors usually in their church. The wedding photographers of know how to adjust their camera so as to prevent the low light indoors to affect their shots. The hassle in dealing with poorly lighted ceremonies is that it is more time-pressured in a way that the photographer has one chance to capture the moment perfectly at the same trying to avoid being a moving disturbance and distraction to the couple while the ceremony is ongoing. Below are some tips in guiding you on how to deal with low-lit wedding ceremonies.
Make sure camera settings are in low-light
Remember to manually change your camera settings to low-light before taking the shot. The ISO is considered to be a significant setting in the camera because it tells the camera sensor to be more sensitive to the low light. The newer cameras that are available in the market are more apt in dealing with higher ISOs but the problem is that it can make the pictures appear ‘grainy’. There are many new cameras that can go up to ISO 1600. However, you cannot really do anything to fix the graininess of a picture. If it ever happens, try to lower the ISO as much as you can. The adjustment of the ISO is that the higher the number, the more sensitive it is to light. Thus, an ISO 1600 is much more sensitive to light than an ISO 400.
The shutter speed of the camera can also affect the amount of light coming in. Make sure to keep the shutter speed to an estimate of 60 as well as keeping the aperture to 2.8 or maybe even lower. These settings will help to keep most of the light when you take the picture. Remember that you can always manually change the settings yourself if the default settings are not in this order. This is a very useful tip for any San Francisco wedding photographer.
Monopods are handy tools
Monopods can be life-savers for you especially when you’ve been taking pictures all day, the guests are already complaining and you are still not done with the endless shoot list. It keeps your camera steady from your weary hands and is very useful when you are using long lenses. All you have to do is stick it when you prop up the camera to take that scene of the blushing bride walking down the aisle. It is believed that a hand shakes in around 1/60 of a second. It means that you might think you are steady enough to hold the camera but you will inevitably get some of that blur in your picture. The monopod will handle the steadiness of the camera for you and will serve you better than a tripod since it is easier to move around with.
Go into the light
Always follow the light when you are taking the pictures. Indoor wedding venues, which are mostly composed of churches, come in different lightings since they are different from one another. There are even churches that do not have any windows at all nor even fluorescent lights. As a wedding photographer, you should try to survey the scene and assess the lights from windows or in the stage that may mean competing light for your picture.
In most cases, the wedding couple may be placed in front of the stage light and past a window light. This is difficult because the lighting would make both the bride and the groom appear to be like they are in a dark hole with the backlit. In this situation, it is better to meter the couple’s faces by changing the camera’s light meter into a spotlight meter. If changing the meter did not remedy the situations, try to manipulate the setting of your camera until you get it right or until your preferred lighting meter has been done.
Always follow the rules of the place where the ceremony will be held.
Indoor wedding ceremonies are usually held in restaurants, hotels, yet mostly are celebrated in churches. Different religions have different churches. Different churches have different rules and regulations. Make sure that when you are doing your job as a SF marriage photographer, you are not out of line when you take pictures during the ceremony because it may cause some problems not only for you but also for the entire wedding.
Before you start taking pictures, make sure that you have communicated well with the church priest, the wedding planners as well as coordinators in the areas that are off-limits and those nooks and crannies where you can move along. It is best to express these concerns before the actual wedding ceremony in order for you not to unintentionally disrupting the ritual or even angering the church ministers. Be respectful of the wishes of the couple’s church as you are respectful to their wishes.
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